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Modern Worship And Contemporary Christian Music

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:23 am
by Watchman
For many years, I attended churches with contemporary worship services. I would dance in the aisles with the rest of them. But God gave me four dreams about how shameful this is to him.

The Lord showed me that most of the modern worship songs are pagan to him. The dancing done in worship services is lewd and shameful to him. People think they are dancing to God, but they are really dancing to the music that quite often has a rock beat to it. I'm not saying that all modern worship is bad. There are many worship songs that do glorify the Lord.

The so-called Christian rock concerts are even more lewd as well as appalling. The concerts are no different than secular concerts. The musicans normally have long hair or even mowhawks, tattooed, wearing revealing clothing, and shamefully dancing around on stage. There is normally strobe lights and smoke cannons.The kids attending the concerts are into body bashing each other as well as the stage. They grab at the feet of their gods. Does this bring honor to the Lord Jesus Christ?

People are also lifting up unholy hands to God in worship.They are stained with the many sinful bondages in their lives. People are committing adultry, fornication, lying, using profanity ect. The Bible says to lift up holy hands unto the Lord.

God is the "Ancient Of Days", he changes not with time. As our culture becomes more wicked, God's standards remain the same.The book of Revelation says this about the materialistic church of Laodicea.

NKJV REV 3:14 " And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,' These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:

15 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

17 "Because you say,'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'-- and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked --

18 "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed,[that] the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

True worship is defined as prostrating yourself (face to the ground) before the Lord. God is holy and worthy of our respect and reverence. Praise songs should also show respect and honor for the Most High. For he is God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:25 am
by Watchman
Here are some dreams that the Lord gave me.
I dreamed that I entered a large mega church. There was valet parking, as well as a large fountain and chandelier in the entryway. My eyes were then fixed upon a throne that was elevated on a platform. The throne was roped off with velvet rope. The throne belonged to the Pastor of the church.Then I entered the sanctuary for worship. The seats were on elevated bleachers, similar to what you would see in a school gymnasium. My wife was with me. All the people worshiping were around our age. At that time I was in my mid-thirties, I am now 44.

As we began to worship, the worship leader starting singing faster songs. The worship leader then said ,"lift your hands up to the Lord". Then he said, "let us dance before the Lord". Then he said, "let us take off our clothes before the Lord". The worship leader then took off his shirt and began to dance wildly and lewdly.Then I looked to my right, and I saw a second group of bleachers. All of the people on these bleachers were grey headed senior citizens. Their bleachers were at least twenty feet from ours. These were the previous generation. All of the older generation of people were pointing their fingers and shaking their hands toward us. They were repeating, "Shame on you, Shame on you!".
The understanding to the dream was that the worship and dancing was shameful to the Lord. The worship leader saying, "take your clothes off before the Lord", then removing his shirt ,was symbolic of shame and lewdness.

The elevated throne, the valet parking, the fountain, as well as the chandelier all reflect materialism, pride, greed,as well as the love of money.

In another dream , God took me back in time to my teenage years. I was in my church in Arkansas. I noticed my old friends around me. During the slow worship songs we were lifting our hands up and singing from our hearts. The songs were filled with scripture verses. I understood that this was pleasing to the Lord.
Then we began to sing fast paced songs with hand clapping and dancing. The Lord spoke to me and said, "this is a pagan song". We sang another similar song, and the Lord said again, "this worship is pagan to me".

In another dream,
the Lord placed me in a room with a long table and about fifty people seated at the table. My wife Kim and I were serving up a dinner for the people. We each had a deep pot filled with soup with large chunks of meat in it.

We were dipping out the soup into bowls. We were feeding people spiritually the meat of the Word. Then I walked into a room with a man from Africa sitting on the floor. I began to place melted icing on his cinnamon roll. The man from Africa asked me for more and I gave it to him. Then I looked through the window into the sanctuary of a church.

I saw a worship team singing. They were all beautiful people dressed perfectly. They also sang perfectly. I said to the Lord, "I wish I had a ministry like that". The Lord then said, "no you dont, that means nothing to me, I am calling you to this". I then looked down to the African man whom I was feeding spiritually.

In another dream, I was in my room ,playing Christian rock music like I did in my teenage years. The room was filled with darkness. I stepped out of my room and began to walk through the house. I heard a lady chanting outside my front door.

I walked into the living room where my wife Kim was seated. Kim said that she did not want to answer the door. I opened the door and there was a lady wearing a Christian tee shirt and cap loaded with scripture verses.

The lady had a smile on her face and she was chanting over and over, "come worship with us, come worship with us...come worship with us". The lady sounded like a broken record and her hands were outstretched toward me. The lady then invited me to her church. She belonged to a mega-church in central Florida. It was pitch black outside. I told the lady that we did not approve of mega-churches or their form of worship. I then woke up. It was 3AM.

The next day, I heard on the news, that central Florida had experienced killer tornadoes at 3AM. Many church buildings had been destroyed.God is not pleased with people making money off of his Holy name. Christian book stores are making a large profit off of Bibles, tee shirts, caps and music cd's. The prosperity movement is teaching that greed, materialism and decadence is pleasing to God. This is endtime apostacy.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:28 am
by Watchman
Dancing unto the Lord is scriptural, and is beautiful if done from a right heart, with modesty and in a setting other than a Church. The OT Jews never danced within the Temple or Synagouge. Dancing unto the Lord was always done in an outside setting. Modern day dancing within the Church to the contemporary style of worship is an abomination (major insult) to God according to other visions he has given me.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:01 pm
by Jewels-inhisheart
I am going out on a limb here and perhaps step on some toes but i for the most part heartily agree with u.
I recall coming out of the music world in the early eighties and i was listening to some great songs on Christian radio... Amy Grant,,The imperials,,, Sandy Patty,,all in those days singing wonderful songs to God.
Then i started to hear music when with some christian s i was told it ' was christian" now im a babe in Christ and im thinking" it is?
Now i dont listen to Christian stations because when i do i cant tell the difference. Now im not saying all the music is bad or not anointed as i wont throw a baby out with the bathwater. I do think God uses different sounds and that he is creative... I dont think everything has to be hymnal style so i give room for God to come up with different styles and ways to worship him/ There exist. There is your general Worship and praise that is reminiscent of Sandy Patty and the imperials which are Classics...
Now there is a new breed that has a heavenly,,, ethereal style called " The song of Angels" By Freddy Haylor who has a opera sound. It is fantastic and will make ones heart soar to worship Jesus Christ in a new and refreshing way. Its a new sound that is refreshing liberating and u feel u are in heaven.... u want to just soak and listen to its beauty and get lost in the anointed sound and the heavenly realm. U must listen to it before any judgments. Its my favorite music and has helped me and my son a lot.
I also listen to ' Soaking music.. bu John Belt> some have problems with it,,but i like it as its soothing and i think can help calm a mind down and settle it as one gets prepared to pray,,it has its place...
Then there harp and Bowl. Gorgeous music that infuses scripture,,deep worship and i think intercession, Powerful music, This si great music . I'm not thinking about the world and its ways when this music is on and i let myself flow with it. These are different styles... bu they have one thing in common,,,they worship Jesus Christ,,,, keep ones mind quiet and off the world and help one focus of The King of Glory and ones spirit rises to the occasion.......
Then theirs music that just sounds worldly to me. im disturbed by it and cant help it. I think perhaps this worldly, christian music might be OK... for those coming out of the punk hard rock scene and weaning them off the really bad stuff. It may have its place for baby Christians coming off the really horrid music. But i think as baby Christians grow and get free they should start to revolt from this kind of music from within themselves. If not after a few years and they are still stuck on this and dont move upward,,then i question wither something's wrong.
I agree with u that some music just is not appropriate for real worship and we have to see if our flesh is being appeased... or is it helping out spirit where Jesus lives come forward. I take a cue from my son. He is diagnosed by man as autistic ( i and God call him healed) and i use music to calm him down when upset and i use christian music. If it helps,,, and he is calmed and soothed and settled then i know its OK... Song Of Angels( series of cds)has been some of the best....
I agree we have to get back to holiness. I knwo Jesus loves those who are coming out of the rock and punk scene deeply and i believe in his patience with them as they are in the process of getting untangled.. I believe if they use their style of music but their hearts are on him i believe he receives it,,, but believe that grace covers that but in time as that person should be growing in God,,, being sanctified there is a time of grace that a change should take place and the person themselves will begin to reject that type of music, It may take longer then some but for those subculture types i do believe God more then likely is patient with them as they grow and are freed.
But for us that have been in the church for years and have known anointed music and Gods presence and his ways or even vaguely aware,,, we must be cautious to not be trapped in going backward...
to be caught in a web,,, that if the big churches are doing it or big ministries endorse it its OK.
I want to be careful not to be religious as i do think there are different sounds to make onto the Lord.... But there are sounds that just i dont think can be redeemed... and dont belong in the church.
I agree with u about 90%,I just give grace unto the ones coming out of these satanic rock scenes time to untangle themselves and if they take their sound and make a song unto their God in baby like way of love to Jesus,,i font see Jesus being upset at that.
But a older mature Christian that has been in the word for years and filled with the Holy spirit ..? Come on we know better...
Listen to ur heart. If ur heart is lifted up to worship Jesus and think of God on this holy Throne and the majesty of heaven and the power of Christ,,,,then u are more then likely listening to something very pleasing to God... <MY opinion............ :|

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:56 pm
by Charys
I'm deleting my comment because it could be read as a criticism, which it was not meant to be.

All I know is that God loves us and He understands the intent of the heart. I say, "Praise the Lord! But remember the Lord knows the difference between praise and flattery."

I believe He could have both my little grandson's stick drawings of holding Jesus' hand and the entire Cistine chapel ceiling tacked to his refrigerator door.

And there I stop because this topic has been the source of many judgmental, less than loving discussions in my extended family and in my church.

"By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another."

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:13 pm
by shiner
Hello Jewels Ruby Rose! =)

(I'm Watchman's wife). My heart sympathizes with your patient endurance for the healing of your son!... I agree in prayer that by His stripes, your son is healed.

God gives us the truth in order to set us free. He is the way, truth and life... and the Father seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. It is not God's desire to condemn anyone... but by conviction of the truth, souls which are willing to submit are set free.

Drawing close to a Holy God requires us to come to Him by His standards, not our own. When we pursue our own standards for worship, we are in essence cheating ourselves of a greater blessing, and cheating God too because His heart truly does desire holy communion through worship with us.

A fascinating example of false worship occurred when the children of Israel were led out of Egypt. They set up an idolatrous golden calf and stated something VERY revealing about it... "this is the god which led you from Egypt". (That was patently absurd), but they deceived themselves into believing that this idol was responsible for leading them out of Egypt. If they were thinking with their right minds, they would have paused and considered for a moment that this very Egyptian-type god would surely NOT lead them FROM Egypt... but in fact was keeping them IN bondage TO Egypt!

Another word for holiness is separation. We must SEPARATE ourselves from the world's way of worship offered to their "rock" stars. There is only ONE true ROCK, and that is Christ, the ROCK on which we stand. It is said of Israel that they carried the "star" of Rompha with them... and they made sacrifices unto it. Millions of people around the world are offering worship to their idols... their rock stars... they are offering their time, devotion, money and are patterning themselves after a cold, loveless lifestyle and pride of life.

There are other "new age" forms of worship, it behooves us to study the origins of any style of worship.

The most sanctified/holy form of worship is to prostrate oneself before the Lord. This does not require worship music... and in fact is best done in private prayer time between a person and God alone. Bowing down in reverence is an act of MAGNIFICATION. In essence, a person humbles themself as a little child in the presence of God as they prostrate, kneel or bow down. By doing this, by viewing oneself as a little child, God is magnified as our heavenly Father... and rightfully so. It is this form of worship that our heavenly Father craves the most.

With that said, the purpose of the truth is to set us free... not condemn.

God bless you! shiner

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:15 am
by Jewels-inhisheart
I did not think i was condemning at all.
I'm not putting anyone in the fires of hell of the y choose a particular brand of worship.
I was basically agreeing with Watchman just adding a few antidotes on what my walk has been about,Do im not sure how ..i have departed much from what watchman said..
I even said at the end that idf a baby christian WHO is a punk rocker comes out of his lifestyle but is still using his music the only kind he relates tot o praise God if his heart is lifted up to Jesus i believe Jesus receives it,,,, and that kind of music has its place for those kind of new believers coming out from bondage....but in time as they grow i believe if they are truly growing they will drift away from the hard pink,,, rap style...
I'm was agreeing with watchman., in no sense did i condemn anyone.
Please everyone,,, we all can diagram or see things i n a different perspective and that does not mean im pointing fingers at anyone. Jesus is the judge not me and he and the Father decide who gets into heaven not me. Jesus may overlook many things offensive to him but in our ignorance and lack of knowledge and our minds being brainwashed by the world overlooks it...
But that doesn't mean a polight discussion on the matter cant be put out here,,,, theirs something in this discussion everyone can learn from if we listen and not get bogged down ion our own way of thinking.
I am of the opinion some music has gone to worldly and even perhaps in some in stances grazed the ways of paganism.... i think in some ways we have crossed lines and i am concerned. There are some things that bother me.
But it do sent others.
Brain Welch was a leader of the rock band Korn. it was a band that was not good. It was sex drugs and the lifestyle of leading kids down the wrong path. Brain has been born again m went to Israel to be baptized has the baptism of the Holy Spirit and quit the band. He wrote a autobiography and is sold out to God . He detoxed from drugs with God as his help and now is making records., and raising his daughter. I haven't heard his style but i wouldn't be surprised if its for the kind he played for before but to help them turnaround. Thats OK... for the kids that are hooked yo this kind of music and cant get away from it.... it has its place. IM proud of Brian as he is a Great example of what God can do.
But Talking about mature seasoned Christians getting into music that seems off... and dance to.Not all dance but certain kinds,,, as i believe dancing before the Lords needs to be in modesty and in a spirit of holiness.
If i sounded judgmental im sorry,,,but i stand by what i said. :|

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:53 am
by Watchman
Jewels Ruby Rose wrote:Watchman.
I am going out on a limb here and perhaps step on some toes but i for the most part heartily agree with u.
I recall coming out of the music world in the early eighties and i was listening to some great songs on Christian radio... Amy Grant,,The imperials,,, Sandy Patty,,all in those days singing wonderful songs to God.
Then i started to hear music when with some christian s i was told it ' was christian" now im a babe in Christ and im thinking" it is?
Now i dont listen to Christian stations because when i do i cant tell the difference. Now im not saying all the music is bad or not anointed as i wont throw a baby out with the bathwater. I do think God uses different sounds and that he is creative... I dont think everything has to be hymnal style so i give room for God to come up with different styles and ways to worship him/ There exist. There is your general Worship and praise that is reminiscent of Sandy Patty and the imperials which are Classics...
Now there is a new breed that has a heavenly,,, ethereal style called " The song of Angels" By Freddy Haylor who has a opera sound. It is fantastic and will make ones heart soar to worship Jesus Christ in a new and refreshing way. Its a new sound that is refreshing liberating and u feel u are in heaven.... u want to just soak and listen to its beauty and get lost in the anointed sound and the heavenly realm. U must listen to it before any judgments. Its my favorite music and has helped me and my son a lot.
I also listen to ' Soaking music.. bu John Belt> some have problems with it,,but i like it as its soothing and i think can help calm a mind down and settle it as one gets prepared to pray,,it has its place...
Then there harp and Bowl. Gorgeous music that infuses scripture,,deep worship and i think intercession, Powerful music, This si great music . I'm not thinking about the world and its ways when this music is on and i let myself flow with it. These are different styles... bu they have one thing in common,,,they worship Jesus Christ,,,, keep ones mind quiet and off the world and help one focus of The King of Glory and ones spirit rises to the occasion.......
Then theirs music that just sounds worldly to me. im disturbed by it and cant help it. I think perhaps this worldly, christian music might be OK... for those coming out of the punk hard rock scene and weaning them off the really bad stuff. It may have its place for baby Christians coming off the really horrid music. But i think as baby Christians grow and get free they should start to revolt from this kind of music from within themselves. If not after a few years and they are still stuck on this and dont move upward,,then i question wither something's wrong.
I agree with u that some music just is not appropriate for real worship and we have to see if our flesh is being appeased... or is it helping out spirit where Jesus lives come forward. I take a cue from my son. He is diagnosed by man as autistic ( i and God call him healed) and i use music to calm him down when upset and i use christian music. If it helps,,, and he is calmed and soothed and settled then i know its OK... Song Of Angels( series of cds)has been some of the best....
I agree we have to get back to holiness. I knwo Jesus loves those who are coming out of the rock and punk scene deeply and i believe in his patience with them as they are in the process of getting untangled.. I believe if they use their style of music but their hearts are on him i believe he receives it,,, but believe that grace covers that but in time as that person should be growing in God,,, being sanctified there is a time of grace that a change should take place and the person themselves will begin to reject that type of music, It may take longer then some but for those subculture types i do believe God more then likely is patient with them as they grow and are freed.
But for us that have been in the church for years and have known anointed music and Gods presence and his ways or even vaguely aware,,, we must be cautious to not be trapped in going backward...
to be caught in a web,,, that if the big churches are doing it or big ministries endorse it its OK.
I want to be careful not to be religious as i do think there are different sounds to make onto the Lord.... But there are sounds that just i dont think can be redeemed... and dont belong in the church.
I agree with u about 90%,I just give grace unto the ones coming out of these satanic rock scenes time to untangle themselves and if they take their sound and make a song unto their God in baby like way of love to Jesus,,i font see Jesus being upset at that.
But a older mature Christian that has been in the word for years and filled with the Holy spirit ..? Come on we know better...
Listen to ur heart. If ur heart is lifted up to worship Jesus and think of God on this holy Throne and the majesty of heaven and the power of Christ,,,,then u are more then likely listening to something very pleasing to God... <MY opinion............ :|
Thank you sister for your thoughts. :D Contemporary Christian music has always appealed to my flesh. During the 80's, as well as the early 90's, I listened to most of it. When I was a teenager I experienced demonic attacks at night when I would attempt to sleep. My Father along with my Mother were Pastors, and they were also in the deliverance ministry. My Mother rebuked the demons that were attacking me in my room and my Mother saw four demons surround my stereo and link arms. She asked the demons why they were there, they replied, "we like the music". I then destroyed the Christian music tapes and the attacks ceased. In later years I began to once again listen to this music and the attacks resumed, I then destroyed my very large collection of music and peace was restored. This was very hard for me to do.

Modern day Christian rock musicians are offering up strange fire before the Lord and it is demonic. David Wilkerson is the Pastor of the Times Square Church in NY City. In the 80's he visited a contemporary Christian music concert to observe for himself the compromise going on. As the young people began to dance, he saw demons ascend from behind the musicians on stage and attach themselves to the backs of everyone dancing. He then saw the face of Satan ascend from behind the musicians laughing loudly, Satan said, "They believe they are worshiping God, but they are worshiping me".

I have been observing Christian music videos over the years and have noticed their decline into depravity. One video was reflective of the horror movie Saw. It showed limbs being severed from people and hung from strings. This was being shown on a major Christian network. Another group was trying to reflect the image of the dark metal group Slip Knot. A little compromise leads to even more backsliding. Even bikinis are now being displayed within religious videos. There are no more boundries. Morality is in decline. This is my understanding from the Lord. God Bless.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:13 am
by Watchman
Jewels Ruby Rose wrote:I did not think i was condemning at all.
I'm not putting anyone in the fires of hell of the y choose a particular brand of worship.
I was basically agreeing with Watchman just adding a few antidotes on what my walk has been about,Do im not sure how ..i have departed much from what watchman said..
I even said at the end that idf a baby christian WHO is a punk rocker comes out of his lifestyle but is still using his music the only kind he relates tot o praise God if his heart is lifted up to Jesus i believe Jesus receives it,,,, and that kind of music has its place for those kind of new believers coming out from bondage....but in time as they grow i believe if they are truly growing they will drift away from the hard pink,,, rap style...
I'm was agreeing with watchman., in no sense did i condemn anyone.
Please everyone,,, we all can diagram or see things i n a different perspective and that does not mean im pointing fingers at anyone. Jesus is the judge not me and he and the Father decide who gets into heaven not me. Jesus may overlook many things offensive to him but in our ignorance and lack of knowledge and our minds being brainwashed by the world overlooks it...
But that doesn't mean a polight discussion on the matter cant be put out here,,,, theirs something in this discussion everyone can learn from if we listen and not get bogged down ion our own way of thinking.
I am of the opinion some music has gone to worldly and even perhaps in some in stances grazed the ways of paganism.... i think in some ways we have crossed lines and i am concerned. There are some things that bother me.
But it do sent others.
Brain Welch was a leader of the rock band Korn. it was a band that was not good. It was sex drugs and the lifestyle of leading kids down the wrong path. Brain has been born again m went to Israel to be baptized has the baptism of the Holy Spirit and quit the band. He wrote a autobiography and is sold out to God . He detoxed from drugs with God as his help and now is making records., and raising his daughter. I haven't heard his style but i wouldn't be surprised if its for the kind he played for before but to help them turnaround. Thats OK... for the kids that are hooked yo this kind of music and cant get away from it.... it has its place. IM proud of Brian as he is a Great example of what God can do.
But Talking about mature seasoned Christians getting into music that seems off... and dance to.Not all dance but certain kinds,,, as i believe dancing before the Lords needs to be in modesty and in a spirit of holiness.
If i sounded judgmental im sorry,,,but i stand by what i said. :|
There is a misunderstanding going on. Kim was not saying that you were judgemental or condemning anyone. She was explaining our understanding and making the point that we are not condemning anyone. In other words she has a unique way of speaking. We feel a kindred spirit with you and liked your post. God Bless! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:28 am
by Jewels-inhisheart
Thank u .. I was about to log off but felt to check this out one more time....
If u want some great music check out Freddy Haylor. This music really calmed Ben and brought much peace to our house when we were under severe attack,,, its wonderful beautiful music that is i believe straight from God.... It has a heavenly feel to it... and is about God , Jesus the heavenly realm has book sometimes that come with it...
Also harp and bowl music is great...
I'm glad somebody understands. I have seen some videos that are so called christian and i was bothered. I couldn't understand. Perhaps this is part of the great apostasy that has been spoken about.
I want something that takes me away from the world...
There are a few songs that the world has recorded that the words can be sung to worship Jesus .. one is "Annie song "by John Denver. My middle name is Anne it really is worshipful to me. There are a few songs the world picked up and made popular that can be used because the words are right and the music decent but they are few....

I'm glad we are on the same footing... God bless u... :D

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:38 am
by Watchman
Jewels Ruby Rose wrote:Thank u .. I was about to log off but felt to check this out one more time....
If u want some great music check out Freddy Haylor. This music really calmed Ben and brought much peace to our house when we were under severe attack,,, its wonderful beautiful music that is i believe straight from God.... It has a heavenly feel to it... and is about God , Jesus the heavenly realm has book sometimes that come with it...
Also harp and bowl music is great...
I'm glad somebody understands. I have seen some videos that are so called christian and i was bothered. I couldn't understand. Perhaps this is part of the great apostasy that has been spoken about.
I want something that takes me away from the world...
There are a few songs that the world has recorded that the words can be sung to worship Jesus .. one is "Annie song "by John Denver. My middle name is Anne it really is worshipful to me. There are a few songs the world picked up and made popular that can be used because the words are right and the music decent but they are few....

I'm glad we are on the same footing... God bless u... :D
Thanks Sister. Where can you purchase a Freddy Haylor CD? I would like to get one. I love the music from Twila Paris and Josh Grobin.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:00 pm
by Jewels-inhisheart
Google Freddy Haylor... "Song of Angels"..Freddy has been on Sid Roth's " its supernatural" . God wanted to use the beautiful opera style music in a way that he could anoint. and chose Freddy. His testimony is awesome.
The music is not to angels but the song OF angels. In it Freddy narrates a spiritual experience he had to heaven by song. The music is not new age as i dont go for that(though the spiritual quality to the music may sound to some new age ,,but dont let that fool u")... This music has calmed Ben down and i think may have a anointing akin to what David had when he played the harp...
He has others,,, there is the narrative called" heaven "that he narrates to music about another woman's visit to the heaven's ( she has books on it)to see Jesus... and its incredible... then he has other that are very soothing and one by his daughter Rebekkah.
Check the Elijah list as u used to be able to get a whole package of them.
Not everyone will like it... i cant promise u that it will touch ur soul as everyone is different..but its a big time favorite of mine and after u listen and bask in real worship music that is so heavenly ethereal and God centered... i just arnt satisfied with much less.
He also has Dvds with these songs that have fantastic visuals.

Give ur self a great Christmas gift... They have worked for me..and Ben and believe they are truly gifts from the Father.

Also Google a site called "Lily Band."... look another site and i can attest that they have great music more of what i would call the harp and bowl style;, Study the style and read about tier style of worship,. we have been really blessed by them. About 4 years ago when we didn't have much money an needed some good music they sent me free cds that have been great help,. Freddy's ministry also sent us free ones...I never forgot that,

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:20 am
by Watchman
Jewels Ruby Rose wrote:Google Freddy Haylor... "Song of Angels"..Freddy has been on Sid Roth's " its supernatural" . God wanted to use the beautiful opera style music in a way that he could anoint. and chose Freddy. His testimony is awesome.
The music is not to angels but the song OF angels. In it Freddy narrates a spiritual experience he had to heaven by song. The music is not new age as i dont go for that(though the spiritual quality to the music may sound to some new age ,,but dont let that fool u")... This music has calmed Ben down and i think may have a anointing akin to what David had when he played the harp...
He has others,,, there is the narrative called" heaven "that he narrates to music about another woman's visit to the heaven's ( she has books on it)to see Jesus... and its incredible... then he has other that are very soothing and one by his daughter Rebekkah.
Check the Elijah list as u used to be able to get a whole package of them.
Not everyone will like it... i cant promise u that it will touch ur soul as everyone is different..but its a big time favorite of mine and after u listen and bask in real worship music that is so heavenly ethereal and God centered... i just arnt satisfied with much less.
He also has Dvds with these songs that have fantastic visuals.

Give ur self a great Christmas gift... They have worked for me..and Ben and believe they are truly gifts from the Father.

Also Google a site called "Lily Band."... look another site and i can attest that they have great music more of what i would call the harp and bowl style;, Study the style and read about tier style of worship,. we have been really blessed by them. About 4 years ago when we didn't have much money an needed some good music they sent me free cds that have been great help,. Freddy's ministry also sent us free ones...I never forgot that,
Thank's Sister. Since I'm not familiar with Sid Roth or Freddy Haylor, I'll have to check them out and use discernment. Not all Heaven experiences are from God, Satan comes as an angel of light at times. But many have truely had glimpses of Heaven including myself. God Bless!

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:29 pm
by BornAgain
Just my two cent's worth but I feel the Holy Spirit will witness to each of us what is wrong and what is right.

Some music I absolutely love and can feel the presence of God listening to it and other music I turn off.........

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:48 pm
by dance-in-the-son
As we began to worship, the worship leader starting singing faster songs. The worship leader then said ,"lift your hands up to the Lord". Then he said, "let us dance before the Lord". Then he said, "let us take off our clothes before the Lord". The worship leader then took off his shirt and began to dance wildly and lewdly.Then I looked to my right, and I saw a second group of bleachers. All of the people on these bleachers were grey headed senior citizens. Their bleachers were at least twenty feet from ours. These were the previous generation. All of the older generation of people were pointing their fingers and shaking their hands toward us. They were repeating, "Shame on you, Shame on you!".
The understanding to the dream was that the worship and dancing was shameful to the Lord. The worship leader saying, "take your clothes off before the Lord", then removing his shirt ,was symbolic of shame and lewdness.
I am neutral on these dreams because I am not sure and do not have any revelation or an interp to share, however, the worship besided the lewd part (not sure exactly what that entails) seems like it could have been meant as a good thing and especially during these times there are alot of "elders-older people" who do not understand the younger generations music as I do not support all of it but there are some greatly anointed songs these days, more than I have experienced ever before. When someone is spirit filled others don't understand it. I can also see that the taking off of clothes can represent "repentance" maybe also taking off the old garments to put on the new. I see it as the opposite of shame...because someone wouldn't be exposing themselves to God if they were shameful...they would cover themselves up. So, I would just say to make sure the Lord has given you revelation of these dreams by also backing it all with is so easy to think dreams mean this or that and we can surely miss it....I am learning to be more and more humble towards my dreams because I can be so way off at times...just a friendly reminder...because the enemy can disguise himself as an angel of light as others have mentioned.

I am neutral on the meaning of these dreams and trust that the whole truth and interpretation will be revealed to you. Blessings