Blue Striped Snake/New Apartment

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Warrior Princess
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Blue Striped Snake/New Apartment

Post by Warrior Princess »

I had walked up the street from where I live. There was a scene about being on a walkway/stairs along the river where there was a snake in a tree that was blue and black striped. We got past it.

Next, my attorney was showing me and my kids the apartment she owned and we were considering if we wanted to move into it. There were a lot of electronics, nice flatscreen tv's etc. Nice furnishings. Upstairs, there was a playroom with a closet that apparently was a common area (it had a play area for kids, a TV, at least 2 professional stereo systems stacked on top of each other that she turned down a little and some other system I didn't recognize stacked on top of that, a bed consisting of mattresses set on the floor which was unmade). She called the association to find out if we would be allowed to use that room (exclusively, I suppose) so that we could use that closet, but apparently they said no. I noticed back in the kitchen that there was a litter box and a water bowl and thought there must have been a cat and wondered if it would bother the kids allergies. The master bed wasn't made and I wondered if the previous renter left in a hurry and left all of their stuff behind, or if it came with the apartment. I remember thinking it would be a nice place for me and the kids to live since it was newer, but I was considering whether it was better to rent from this attorney who might not be looking out for my best interests, or from the people we were currently renting from because I knew them. Interestingly, my attorney's name is Lisa Moore (More?) LOL I also remember thinking that I needed to find out if there were enough bedrooms for me and my 2 kids, but I don't remember ever getting to that info before I woke up. Oh and I just remembered, there was good light in the bathroom.
~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."