Deer change to wolves....

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Deer change to wolves....

Post by Song_of_Joy »

Hey all.....

I had this dream a while ago now, but it's as clear as if I had it last night. Hoping for some insight. :)

I was walking in a beautiful meadow.....looking around enjoying the breathtaking beauty. I walked up a hill, when I reached the top and looked down, I saw forest at the bottom of the hill.

At the edge of the forest I saw 2 deer grazing in the bush. I remember being so excited to see the deer. They were so close and I was excited to possibly have a chance to touch them. I went down the hill, and the deer came out into the clearing. They were only a couple feet away from me and when I reached out to pet them, they turned into wolves......growling and snarling, circling around me.
Then I woke up.
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Post by charlie »

Song of JOy (love this name!)...Deer can be used as a word this dream they could represent something you have longed for/cherish or hold "deer". It becomes clear to you what this thing is and you move towards it...very close and its within your grasp but then you realise that it actually could become a threat to your progress ie this thing could consume and devour you...

Just what struck ever discard what does not resonate.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Robert159347 »

Here is a verse that talks about deer:

Gen 49:21 "Naphtali [is] a deer let loose; He uses beautiful words.

G-d is probably warning about people who say things that may sound sweet and beautiful, but are inwardly wolves (false prophets, deceivers, and people who will take you away from G-d and his word).
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by BlueRose32 »

Hi Song of Joy,

I had a dream just like you posted here, last night. I seen a deer at the edge of the woods and I said to someone who was with me, "Look at that deer.." -- It then turned into a wolf. I turned my back on it {don't know why} I guess I was thinking it would just go away.. but then I seen another wolf coming from the other direction. I turned toward the first one and it was coming at me like it was going to jump... that was when I woke up.

I think because of the two responses to your dream, I may know what my dream meant.
