2 vision 1 dream

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2 vision 1 dream

Post by Demon_Buster »

Hello all and blessings:

In the first vision I saw globs that where trying to take shape I was think about snow flaks and that the globs where not making it into full snow flaks.

In the 2 vision I saw someone doing flips like a gymnast.

In the dream I was on an electric bike.
I was riding with my son on the front, a motorcycle passes us so I go faster but was unable to keep up I started peddling but my legs got tired and cramped. [ left leg]
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, Demon_Buster.

I would like to help if i can.

Visions and meditation are not the same thing, as meditation the mind wanders around, and randomly see's things. Its not a good habbit to get into.

To help i will explaine if you let me what and how visions and dreams are for.

Some people call the gift God gave me, the gift of knowlege, and over time walking with God, seeking his salvation, have seen enough to be able to explain everything.

God is the only one who is able to interpret the bible, as no man can do it without Gods help. Though there have been many people who do get some information, its normally only a chosen few who are given this information from God. Those guys are known as prophets, though there have been many who believed they were a prophet, but were not, and some who never belived they were who actually were. Prophets are very rare. How prophets work is they get inspiration from God as part of their life, and those around them get proof though things they say, or do. Some people who belive they are prophets, get information from God, but dont decide to use it for the right reasons, more selfish reasons. Then God has to send in a real prophet to correct that. God is the only one who can contradict what he says to overcome evil, so he may allow killing if evil doesnt change. But thats not the way with good people who believe in God, and seek him out for whats right, and salvation. Its never done through people..

God may decide in rare circumstances to grant a gift to some individuals if they ask him for salvation, but thats what God does to good people who dont just believe everything they see and hear, and go to him instead. A persons heart has to be good, honest, and seeking Gods salvation, and only in that way, will God give what that person desires. With some people God designs their hole life around the bible, and those same kinds of events. That way the true nature of what God does is interpreted the right way. So a person doing something for the same reason someone in the bible is doing it, would find themselves in the same inspiration as that other person. Thats because when God created us, he created us with his image, and mindset. Its what we do with that mindset that matters to God. The more we pay attention to what God wants, the more he shows us.

That inspiration from God is called translation, because only God can translate. Translation, transfiguration, transformation is all one in the same thing. So when people are rezerected, they are by translation, and when angels do things, its done by translation. So actually a person can be transformed, through and by translation. The more correct the translation, the better results, and if done by God, the translation to transformation is great. So with a persons efforts in seeking God in this world, God cant help but to help as long as a person is open to what God has to show them. Thats because translation has to be shown.

The Thoughts of a good person seeking God will reslut in certain questions, because of their honest efforts. When that question is found, and its the one God chose us to find, he grants that answer be found. When that answer is found, its also found in the bible, along with what was done in that persons life. One in the same thing. That is a translation, which comes the vision of the form.

What a vision is, is the translation of scripture, which can be found in the bible when it takes place. The events of that persons life in seeking God come to close with that translation, which is a transformation. The transformation wich is given by a angel who comes to do Gods work, is amazed by this individual who is also doing what God wants. Both working for the same cause of salvation. When true things of God are seen, that light of truth jumps off onto you. You become the same things you see. The more correct the things seen, the better the effects.

each transformation changes a person to be more excepting of the tranlation effects, which eventually leads that person to salvation. But as the bible describes it, its all about being done by example. The bible being the example of how things are done, but to a good person coming to understand which questions to ask God, are sent someone through the holy spirit to get them, and bring them in. The reason for the translating effects is that everyone has to be converted over. As the bible describes it, both Jews and gentiles because that all changed. That way proof is given of Gods work from both the seeker, and those who went to get the seeker confirming the gosepl of Jesus. This giving wittness to Christ. What the bible was written for.

Though there are many people out there that really want to know the misterys of the bible, and will go out of their way to hear people who have information that might lead to some understanding of the bible. Then most people want to do good, and are willing, the information is weak at most, and the full potential of the holyghost is not realized.

Dreams on the other hand are normally correction dreams, and can be outcome dreams. Nightmares are normally the truth, but come across twisted because its something missunderstood. Dreams if the seeker is true, are normally event to unfold.

The gifts of the spirit dont do anyone any good if they dont prove Christ. Its just nonsence if its not understood. First corinthians explains this. Gifts that are given by God, are extreemly rare, because for the most part they are used for salvation, then for the second part to save others. Without the first part done, the second part can not be done. So the Gifts are to overcome evil, and or to overcome salvation problems. They are understood by everyone when a true gifts takes place giving proof of God because they achieved their salvation from God. Nothing is nonsence and everything eventuall makes sence. If it doesnt it may not be from God. Though i have seen things that dont make sence, but later did when those events took place. Those were dreams, the visions confirmed what was done.

When you pray, were supposed ask God to show us it is him who gave the answer or gift. That way we know for sure if God gave it, because we get a answer. No answer means we havent put enough time into it. Thats because this stuff isnt fake, its real. Then spending some time reading the bible doesnt hurt in looking and putting some effort into it either.

Hope that helped you out.

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Post by charlie »

holydiver wrote:
Some people call the gift God gave me, the gift of knowlege, and over time walking with God, seeking his salvation, have seen enough to be able to explain everything.

Though there have been many people who do get some information, its normally only a chosen few who are given this information from God.
HOlydiver...please forgive me if I have misunderstood you here but are you really trying to tell us that you personally feel that you really believe that you have "seen enough to be able to explain everything"?

I would also like to ask you on what basis you make the following statement I highlight in quotes above as I can't relate that to my own understanding of God and His word...I realize that words can be misread so perhaps you would be able to explain what you mean more fully?

Thank you.

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Post by Robert159347 »

The first vision could be you, someone, or something trying to take a form of purity, but can't.

The second vision I'm not sure about, a gymnast flipping I see as unnecessary tricks that are more for show than for any practical purpose. I don't know how to apply it in this case, but maybe you or someone else can figure something out.

The dream, I have a better understanding on. The bike represents your ministry (your ministry is any witness of Jesus) and walk. In your walk you are also carrying your son in his walk. Electricity represents faith, and because you also pedaled it represents also going by your own works. You are trying to keep up with people or someone who walks by and relies on the Holy Spirit alone (they use their motor), in which you can't keep up and are going to hurt your walk in the process (legs cramping). So I think the dream is telling you that you are walking by your works instead of the Holy Spirit, not that you think will go to heaven by works, but that you think you are doing well by G-d, because of the things you do. In which, you are hindering yourself and putting yourself at a great disadvantage. So, make sure to rely more on G-d, and remember that if you want to please G-d then just love him, that's all he wants from you.
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, Charlie

Jesus was the light, life, and the way right? That whoever believes in Jesus shall have everlasting life? That being true, thats a given, no need to look up anything.

Though how many times does Jesus state, that its God who must bring everyone to Jesus? In John after the fish a loaves, Jesus make the statment to his apostles to be ware of false teachings, this was after they crossed to the other side. Im sure thats not hard to find. In Matthew 22-44, Jesus says a few more times based on the same thing about the loaves, that he is the bread of life. Also saying that God must show them to Jesus.

Another given that all Christains know, is how Jesus tought us to pray. To the father God in his name. So God does the work for anyone to be able to see Jesus for who and what he is, and what he did for us.

So we have proof that Jesus is the way to life, from the biblical standpoint. Could it be that it was how Jesus showed everyone as a example of how to be saved?

John 5:19 Jesus says, that the son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do; for whatever he does, the son also does in like manner. Example.

Its safe to assume that i only need to apply the proper scripture to a given circumstance, then apply that to prayer, as is a given in most everyday christain life. Now what?

Its obvious that when Jesus headed out, he was looking for John the baptist. Its how Jesus knew that, being shown by God, not told what to do. When we read the account of the baptism, John was confused because he understood who Jesus was, and the hole event come out like they had never met before. Its when Jesus did what he was shown to do, that God confirmed what he did.

Since God is the only one who can lead someone to Jesus, its safe to say that God is the only one who can lead someone to salvation. Since there are only two forms by which people can actually see things like that, its safe to say thats through dreams and visions. Taking that Jesus could not do anything any other person can or could do, that would be the way Jesus would have also found his way to be baptized by John.

Another point of referance in the bible is with Peter on the roof top, when he had the vision of the scrole. Peter didnt take action on that vision, and the most likley reason he didnt is because he was waiting for God to do the rest. I know visions like peters to be a transforming effect, a actual change that God does. Since its God who translates, the translation of the scrole comes with the three men who came to get peter, where they took him to many people with the holy Spirit. That is God doing the work, not people, though i do agree that prayer is a effective way of helping others who dont know Jesus. I like to think that Jesus was the first to be saved, and the one who changed our status back to the way it was supposed to be with God.

back then the apostles had better luck with people who didnt speak the same language, because they could use the gifts of the spirit to prove themselves as a miracle and sign. Thats why there are two translations of the bible, one in hebrew and one in greek. The gifts are only good if others can see the miracle in them.

Then 1st Corinthians 4-6 which says, I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by him in all utterance and all knowlege, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you.

The differance between the Hebrew and Greek is the same as the leavened or unleavened bread, the same as Hebrews or nonhebrews, like either being born into it, and accepting it, or not knowing anything about it, and hearing about it coming into it. God works both ways, and more for the miracles of the spirit.

So when someone like myself who does not know nore understand what to do, or how to do it, God is there to show the way. Since God has mercey on those he chooses, and is no respector of man, he does the same things confirming the word of God, which is the testimony of Christ Jesus.

I was wondering if that was satisfactory for you?

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Post by charlie »

HOlydiver...can i refer you back to my original question? I don't see that you have answered that...it is those two statements which are of primary concern to me...

(However, I am anxious that this remain a thread relating directly to the dream in question so a yes or no to the first question I pose is enough for me...)

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Post by OverSeers »

Hello holydiver and welcome to tehillah dreams.

This forum is for dreams and visions. Please be respectful of the dreamer and limit your posts here to the interpretation of dreams and visions. Perhaps if you take a moment to review our vision and guidelines, you will have a better understanding of our mission and purpose here.

Should you have questions regarding our ministry, please contact the administrators as indicated in the guidelines.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi everyone thanks for the responses.

I think Robert159347 is on the right track thanks Robert159347 lately it seems harder to get moved in with the Holy Spirit when I pray in the spirit. { I don’t think I am praying deep enough}

With everything going on around me here in china I often get bogged down,and again last night I don’t feel I am rested....just today I felt the presence of the lord...Ahhh a great feeling....But I soul not just go on feelings.

Blessings to you all

Demon Buster
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Post by Robert159347 »

Your welcome Demon Buster, and I'm glad G-d gave me the privilege to help.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20