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Murder, Telephone and Sexuality

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:38 pm
by ImHis4Evr
First part: I was called to an old house to investigate a murder. (I wondered why I would be called) The officer was standing in the hallway and showed me blood splattered at the top of the wall. He said the woman had taken a pic axe and hit the man in the head with it and killed him. She stated she was tired of being abused.

Second part: I was in a central station and there was an announcement made for me "phone call on line 67". There were several panels numbered (sort of like in a records department where the panels are numbered and rotate) I located number 67 and when I looked at it there were several phone lines on that individual panel and I had to locate the correct line. The caller stated she needed to know the status of someone's whereabouts. I told her I had no idea and she replied "I'm sure you do". I had someone assist me and was able to give her the information she was looking for.

Third part: I went looking for a man and found him in another building. As we were leaving the building I asked him if he was gay. ???? I told him it didn't matter if he was, I just wanted the truth and I would still be his friend.

I have no clue on any of these.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:42 pm
by peggyo

Interesting dream~

There's a theme of looking for someone or the truth about a situation in your dream, and in the end, you do find answers and are helpful. Murder in dreams can be symbolic and not literal. Might be someone who was seriously hated and been seriously wounded/attacked by a woman in his past (again may not be literal) and possibly due to being abused by him herself. There may be a sexual orientation issue involved that is unknown. You may be called to be a friend to this person.

I wonder if this dream is prophetic and giving you foresight into something that is upcoming that you are not yet aware of.

It looks like God will help you along the way in this search.

Praying for you to get full revelation,
Peggy O.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:52 am
by ImHis4Evr
Thank you. I appreciate your comments. It was such a vivid detailed dream. I knew there was some significance to it. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:30 pm
by Deep calling unto deep
The common theme in your dream is your assistance and acceptance. I sense the Holy Spirit is moving and preparing you for some unusual circumstances. People are going to come into your life (if not already) that the church and others have no time for or don't won't to be bothered with them due to critical/judgemental attitudes. You have a heart to accept people the way they are. That is the heart of God and is needed outside the four wall of a "church" building. GBU!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:45 pm
by ImHis4Evr
Thank you. I appreciate the insight. GBU also! 8)