Please give you thoughts on this odd dream

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Please give you thoughts on this odd dream

Post by VigilantSeeker »

There was a man and a woman taking turn describing me. The woman was telling me that I was a sinner and at the end she suggested that I was a tramp. I spontaneously said that I was a "Tramp For The Lord" which is the title of the saint Corrie Ten Boom. Just as the man was going to speak my dream moved to where I was instantly at the wedding of the pop singer, Lady Gaga (this is a real pop singer in real life). A man and a woman comes in and sits down and it's then that I realize that Lady GaGa is going to marry this woman and she was concealing her identity by coming in with the man. I then go to the party for this wedding without my husband. The party has many homosexual couples and an old minister of mine (in real life he came out as gay which was shocking to me). I was setting waiting for the couple to arrive when I walked into another room and was surprised to see my husband there. I feel like he was doing something behind what would be a bar. I'm not sure what it was, I just know that I saw him doing something behind a counter or something. I was so happy. He looked at me and smiled a comforting smile and I woke up.

This dream is very unusual and I would appreciate any thoughts.

In His Love.
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Re: Please give you thoughts on this odd dream

Post by Counted4Him »


I don't know what you dream means but I was more drawn on the characters and symbols of your dream and some things that caught my attention not sure if its just a spiritual discernment concerning the symbols.

I think it could help if you take your dream apart and concentrate on the key symbols, the presence of your life (curcumstances or concerns that you may have - could be spiritual, natural or both).
Do you know the man and woman taking turn decribing you? If not it could represent the "accusar" (sp?) which is one of his actions towards Gods people among other tactics. See what the people stand for/represent to you those always give you a clue to the context of your dreams. It sounds like you are active, try to see what type of dream it is, internal or other. An internal dream pertains to you and only you alone. It will give you insight to your spiritual condition, a state of your spiritual matuirity or conflict.

Sometimes people think that when God gives them a dream that the characters/objects in ones dream relates to actual people and thats not always the case. Therefore, it is beneficial to you If you realize that some symbols may be symbolic. Like for example if you dream a person you know passes, it may not be a bad thing, it could mean a part of you has ended and something new will begin. It could be about a character trait of the person that can represent a part of you. Now there are other types of dreams as well which is known to many who are studying to understand their dreams.

If I may, to me the Lady Gaga person represents a person of the world maybe worldly things, it depends what that person represents to you. Concealing always speaks of hidden things. Are you interceding for some by chance? have been for your pastor that is. This could also be a dream where your spirit is throwing out stuff, its a mixer of things is being remove, concerns things that are stored by daily things you come in countered with or even things in the past that need to be rid of to make room for more of God, its like a cleansing. Try to sort the symbols out. It can be the mixer of things resurfing (sp?) like painful situations coming out too. We hold so much as Christians. Could you have concerns also think of the things that may be pounding on your emotions and mind lately and let it rest in the Lord. I see your husband (could be the Lord) speaking that He is with you and there to comfort you. Not sure if it helps but really pray about it, God has GREAT things in store for you. Just some things to ponder on rest in HIM.

God bless and Many revelations to you in Jesus!

Now about your
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Post by VigilantSeeker »

Thank you so much for your thoughts, Counted4Him. You've given me a new way to think about this dream. I normally have an idea about my dreams, but this one is very unusual in that it seems to moving in an unfamiliar realm, so your thoughts on symbols is really helpful. I'm going to meditate and pray on it tonight and I'll come back to let you know my thoughts.

Have a blessed Christmas.

In His Love.
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6