Just Need HELP!!!

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Just Need HELP!!!

Post by dborah777 »

This dream involves a dear, dear, friend of mine I have known for over 14-15 years. We do not live in the same city. We have talked lately maybe once a month, but before then, a year or two might pass in between our speaking. This is the dream:

I was in a small town (I live in the big city in real life) and I was getting ready to leave this town. The townspeople came out to say goodbye. My friend, Oscar, came and joined them. He was wearing an indigo blue suit (which is NOT his style in real life). He didn’t say anything, he just joined the crowd and was standing up front. I was getting ready to speak to him. He seemed okay with my leaving at first. Then, an accident happened to someone else – I think a man was hit by a car or something fell on him. Other men and Oscar stepped forward to help the man. When I looked up to speak to Oscar, I saw tears running down his cheeks. He put his hand up to let me know that he was so hurt that I was leaving. I woke up… End of the dream

I THINK I know what it means, but I would really appreciate some input.
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Post by peggyo »

Hi Deb:

Looks like there is a lot of love in the relationship you have with Oscar. I think the dream might be a statement of healing and moving on. May be speaking too of a backing away from a very close relationship with Oscar to more the way it had been. Maybe the reasons you had for being so close for a time aren't there any more and what was supposed to happen in your mutual closeness/support has been accomplished.

God bless Deb. Merry Christmas wishes!
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Post by dborah777 »

Merry Christmas Peggyo. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for your interpretation. I really believe you may have hit the nail on the head. What a wonderful Christmas present because the dream was so real it really bothered me.

Also, I play the piano for a small, but WONNNNDERFUL, church that I have been thinking about leaving for quite some time now. I am not growing and I know the Lord has a work for me to do. Is there any way you think the townspeople might have represented the people at the church coming to say goodbye? When I told the Pastor a week ago, his wife came to me almost in tears, because she said that they really did not want me to go. She told me that he was hurt.

If this is the case, then could this dream be two things at one time? Oscar would represent my Pastor as well as representing himself? I looked up the color blue (as in Oscar's LOUD suit (lol)), and it represents religion, spirituality, the heavenlies, amongst other things.

Thanks so much for your help Peggyo, and again Merry Christmas. This was REALLY on time.
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Post by peggyo »


Yes, it probably is a statement about your church, considering there is a group of people in your dream. As far as your friend Oscar symbolizing your pastor, do you find a similarity in these two men? The name Oscar means "divine spear." It's your call though.

I believe the dream is just there to show you the emotion involved in this moving along process, both to help you understand their emotions and confirm your sensing a need for a spiritual move.

God bless you Deb!
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Post by dborah777 »

Dear Peggyo:

Thanx again for your responses.

I'm in a place that is SOOOOOO uncomfortable in many ways. My discomfort comes out toward others from time to time -- but it's not them! I know it's me! I made a decision this past year to start "growing up" in God -- and it is a painful, but needful journey. I'm trying to learn not to use the well-worn phrase, "You just don't know how I feel!" If you're old enough to be posting on this board, then I do believe that you "know how I feel!" :)

I just came from church and although it was a wonderful service and an awesome message, I was SOOOOOO totally detached! As I read your response, I realized that this leaving/staying issue is weighing VERY heavily on my heart. I know I will make the right decision when the time comes. However, for now, I'm not quite sure what that is.

As far as Oscar and my Pastor having any similarities, they are (1) both men of God, and (2) even though one's name means "divine spear", they BOTH can be classified as "divine spears." They are TRUE friends. Both of them have the gift and ability to be able to be critical in a VERY constructive way... especially my Pastor.

I've heard two times today in two different messages regarding fasting -- I most certainly need to do that!

Peggyo, I appreciate you so much, your time is precious, and you have given it to me freely.

Happy New Year!
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Post by dborah777 »

BUMP! :)
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Sounds like you are considering leaving a church or ministry? But you haven't asked the Lord about it yet, who I believe is the man in the blue suit and he doesn't want you to go. Possibly because something is coming there that you will need to help with.
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Post by dborah777 »

Yes, I am!!!!!!! Yes, I have asked the Lord about it, and I did not receive an answer until now. I have kind of thought I always knew what the answer is, but was about to try to go my own way! Gurlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, NOW I FEEL A PRAISE COMIN’ ON! YOU HIT THE MARK!!!! I have a great love relationship with the man in blue, and with the Lord – and He has one with me. Thank you Warrior Princess – I CAN’T GO NOW!!!!!!! I have been released during the week to work with other ministries, and that’s going to have to be good enough for now.

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very, very, very much. I have been struggling with this for days on end, and appreciate the responses from everyone because they have much meat in them. Thank you Peggyo and others that have read and/or commented – thank you so much. We all know how we feel when we hear the main message – it’s like playing a game of golf and sinking a hole in one.

WOW, thanx Warrior Princess.
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Post by dborah777 »

Dear Warrior Princess and Peggyo: I just received the following in my email. Talk about confirmation or WHAT!!!!

December 29, 2009. Stay the course. Someone is thinking of quitting. You feel you have had enough struggle. You want something easier. And get it you will if you quit now. You will receive a watered down version of your real destiny. Anyone can quit, right? But you already know that the prize goes to the one, with committed faith, who stays the course? The Lord says today, there is no condemnation if you quit. But know this, your intended blessings will be denied. My grace and mercy will continue forever but the many promises I have made to you will not come to pass. Do you really want to quit? My advice, stay the course. What say you?
Hebrews 6:12 “Don't drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.” (MSG) Ras Robinson*

December 29, 2009. Someone has opposed you according to their traditions. Their opposition is because they have been guided by the precepts of men. What you are doing is not wrong according to My traditions. My traditions are good. Keep doing what you have been doing. You have seen Godly results and will continue seeing them. Do not be concerned by what others teach. Be respectful and be guided by love, but do not get caught up in their ways. I will correct you when you get off the path. Yes correction often comes through others, but you will know it is of Me, according to my ways and not those of men's precepts.
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Yay, God! =)
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Post by dborah777 »

Hey everybody,

I received the REAL interpretation of this dream tonight. My friend, Oscar, in the dream, went to his small town in North Carolina to bury his father (the man hit by the car or knocked down). When he stepped up to me crying those hot tears and stuck his hand out, he was letting me know that he was burying his father from a heart attack over the Christmas weekend. That's what the whole dream was about. I really was just an observer. From now on I'm going to call him when I dream about him.
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Post by peggyo »

Thanks for sharing that Deb!!! :P

Sometimes it's hard to tell out what the dream is actually speaking to. And sometimes with time it becomes more evident. I never did feel settled about this one.

Love ya!
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Post by dborah777 »

Oscar's dad was a well-respect Bishop in North Carolina with 16 children -- none of whom were ever locked up or got into any trouble. I understand he was a pillar and a rock of the community and his family. In other words, they did not have a funeral -- they had a celebration! Oscar is now about the Lord's business and walking in dad's footsteps.

Thanx Peggyo, you know I wasn't "settled" either with thinking it was about my church family!!! :lol:

I appreciate your help and your REMEMBERING... that's sweet!