The Testimony and bag of Fruit

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The Testimony and bag of Fruit

Post by clare777 »

Hmmm, the other night I dreamed that I was with a group of people in a restaurant. We were split up in two different groups. My husband, daughter and my husbands step brother, Damon went with the other group while I stayed with a womans group. We are told that we where going to be fed dinner. In the dream I remember eating a plate of cream potatoes :mrgreen: veggies and some meat :oops: :mrgreen:
The scene changes and there is a woman speaker standing in front wearing silver shiney clothing who looked like (or reminded me) Dolly Parton b/c of her real blonde hair. She begins by giving her testimony...but I am the only one in the room. In the dream I am layng on my stomach with my hands next to my fave like a little girl does and my feet in the air. :shock: As she is speaking, I am seeing her testimony, like a vision. All I remember in the dream was her saying..."The Lord said that this had to happen so that could happen". In the dream I remember saying..."Oh..Now I get it "and started laughing .
The scene changes and my husband comes in the room along with my daughter and Damon. I asked them about what did they get to eat. Kevin and Dominique each have a white plastic bag and they open it up and say, "All we got was this fruit". In it was an green apple, a pear and an orange." They sounded disappointed. I noticed that the green apple had a bite in it. Then Damon says to me..."I am reading the Great Divide"...end of dream..

blessings in Christ,
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Post by holydiver »

Hello, clare777.

The dream comes in a form that sounds like its something your doing, but at the same time, may have a prophetic ring to it. Im thinking you went someplace and heard a speaker, that may have influenced you, or maybe there is someone famous you like.

Eating in a dream may symbolize learning, as taking something into your body in a spiritual manner. The two groups may symbolize a different duty or obligation than the rest of the family.

The person in the silver dress may symbolize what you want to be like, as a mirror is silver, refects the image back to you. That may be the meaning in 2Corinthians 3 as that would have to be were the heart is to change. That might be what has to happen in order for a transformation to happen.

The last part of the dream is what looks prophetic, as from my experiance with dreams, thats a reward of efforts in life. The dream symbolism may come out backwards, as they wouldnt be showing you what they got, but showing you what they recieved from you. Maybe the fruit of your labor, and maybe because its been a rough year. It may not even be what you can do physically for anyone, it may be else, though who knows for sure. maybe in a few days God will reviel the answer to you, and you can post it here.

Peace and Love in Jesus.
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Post by Robert159347 »

I agree with what Holydiver said about the learning. I believe G-d is showing you what you and your family get out of church or learning the Bible. You get a full meal, while you husband, and daughter get a couple fruits from it; assuming you know that G-d does symbolize learning and taking in his word with eating. So, basically you get much more out of church, or however you learn the Bible, then they do. The woman in the silver dress, I saw as representing the church, because she is clothed in silver, which silver represents blood, so she is covered in the blood of Jesus. You acting like a child is, well, you being like a child.

Matthew 18:4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

I think I covered everything. Hope this Helps!

Merry Christmas!
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20