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Dream Frustration

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:55 am
by Determined2Grow
Why does God give dreams in abundance, yet I know so little about dreams? I do understand that all dreams are not from God and that you have to discern which ones are from HIM. I have demensional dreams ( in levels) , dreams within dreams, open/closed visions, dreams that seem more real than I want to share, dreams where I am asleep but very aware that I am actually awake and sometimes recieving lessons from a voice that I beleive to be God. I have had dreams where I here my name being called to the core of my being, I have dreams where I am dreaming and remember other dreams that I have dreamt before in real life while I am still dreaming. I sometimes dream of things that affect the nation/countries. I have dreamt about being in a class with some of the pillars in the kingdom in a classroom setting and I am asleep in my seat with my bottom stuck in the air and have been told to get up by the instructor, to the point as I was waking up out of the dream I could still hear the audible voice telling me to get up and I was standing straight up on the side of my bed with my blanket over my head in real life! I have dreamt of meeting people and have actually met them in real life and knew about them as though I knew them before yet I have not met them. I have dreamt of being in foreign countries, or fighting the devil for lost souls, I have had countless warfare dreams that has caused me to pray to God not to send me another dream, I have had dreams of being with the Father and He is most times giving me a lesson, or quiz on something that I need to know and understand. ( for instance he showed my a little boy being held captive by this demoic spirit and the Lord wanted me to free this little boy.....the test came when He put me in the boxing ring with this demonic spirit and I had to defeat him. The Lord asked me what tools or gifts did I want to use to win this fight and I said at first muscles/strength, and he defeated me, then I asked for flying power and he defeated me again and this was done 3 times and finally the Lord said that I needed His Spirit to defeat this demon and that it was not by power nor by might and I could hear the audible voice of the Lord hovering over my bed as I saw my body asleep on the bed but my mind was fully awake aware and these things seemed so real) I have seen angelic creatures in water that the images are still with me to this day, I have seen the end of the world and felt the real urgency of what it will be like getting the gospel spread as we near that time. I dream sometimes everynight and sometimes I am frustrated because I really don't know why or what is it that I am supposed to understand. I have prayed and asked what does these things mean in the beginning but now I am puzzled and frustrated because I really want to know what does these things mean. I go to leaders and sometimes they look at me puzzled because they don't know or understand what I am saying. I feel at a lost (sometimes even crazy like is anyone else understanding what I am going through) .....somebody help! I don't mean to come off negative but I submit to this website in hopes of obtaining ssome answers (to the dreams that I post) from a mature spiritually sound bro/sis in Christ! I promise this is not meant to sound offensive. I am not a fly by weather christian. I have a real relationship with Christ and I truly Love Him.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:10 am
by Determined2Grow
It just so happens that after I posted I ran across a post from LukeWoman (Dream Questions). And I read Joy2Dream reponse to her question and she gave her some tools which I will order. I feel a bit foolish for posting my frustraiton now :oops:

Tools: Ira Millian-Undertanding Dreams you Dream, Susan Riddle and John Paul Jackson and also "In a vision of the Night from Tehillah".

I don't think this was an accident I believe I needed to read that post to see that others do get frustrated sometimes but help is on the way.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:12 am
by Determined2Grow
LukeWoman posted "Seasons of Dreaming" and this is the post I was lead to read.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:48 pm
by WaitingforHim
Hello Child of God!!!!
Blessings to you!

You are a special child of God....Take this gifting that He has placed within in you and begin to rejoice!!!!! Whether you understand or not...rejoice that He has counted you worthy enough to carry these things...What a blessing!!!!

The Lord may just have chosen you as a vessel that He knows will listen and cherish His every word...and He may have chosen you as an instrument in which one day He will begin to use to Proclaim the things He speaks to you.....Or He may have chosen you as a Prophetic Intercessor in which He is calling you to strategically pray regarding the very things He is showing you....
It will all come together in His timing...sometimes He just gives us things to pray about and put on a shelf as I am sure you have heard and in time He will show you if and what He wants you to do with them...

Are you involved in a local church that is Apostolic or Prophetic in operation?? You may want to pray and ask the Lord where He wants you Planted....It could be that you will be used as a house visionary in which you submit what the Lord gives you to the head of that church for prayer and leading in the body of Christ.. But if you are in a body where they don't understand this or won't except it you need to know where the Lord wants you.

I understand that frustration...however it seems that the Lord speaks to you alot more in depth or prophetically than I have received, but still with what the Lord has entrusted me with I struggle too at times because often I feel that I am just a container that is filling up and never able to pour back out in my church...I feel like I am just waiting and I trust the Lord to move me when I need to be and use me when he needs too...After all its all about HIM and not about me.

You are a special blessing to the body of Christ...Hold on to all that he gives you with thanksgiving and praise and much prayer on the things he shows you and watch what the Lord will do with you!!!

Thank you Jesus for your vessel!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:39 pm
by talitha
I have been around this ministry for a few years, and it is amazing to me the people God has brought in and the resources that He has made available in and through this place. I often wish more people took advantage of it all. I am so glad to hear from you, D2G, that you found something that would help you, as that is the focus of this message board - to help seers be able to find the interpretations, implications, and applications of what the are seeing, whether through dreams, open visions, or other ways God is showing them. The sort of frustrtation you expressed is so very very common, because the seer type gifts are so often not pastored at all. Praise the Lord He's raising up people to do that!


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:02 pm
by naveah
I haven't been here long but I believe the Holy Spirit led me here to hear and see I love to read about what God is doing how he is moving and blessing his people. I believe you will be able to use your gift for God's glory and help people. This site has been a wonderful experience for me. I praise God for it. Be strong in the Lord because I see in your dreams you have more than one gift he wants to use.. How awesome is that. Praise the Lord and blessings to you.............................

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:33 am
by Determined2Grow
Tal- This is my question to you “who will go for us?”
The sort of frustrtation you expressed is so very very common, because the seer type gifts are so often not pastored at all. Praise the Lord He's raising up people to do that!
If you would have asked me before I posted do I believe that God have given me the gift to see or a seer type gift I would have been literally clueless because all that I know is that I dream and see things that I wish sometimes I could not see. I have come across other brothers and sister in christ from Japan to Italy to the USA feeling as lost or frustrated as I do and we give each other the information we have or a teaching that we have come across as though it was a pot of gold ( because of the lack of teachings or knowledge of the material my search I have across some weird stuff :lol: LOL!). Even in some of the books I have ran across I don't fully understand what the author is saying and on some book s I have read things will just leap off of the pages at me and in my spirit (but the details on the topic are scarce) and I would wish that the author was here so I could ask a million questions. I guess I have been desiring for GOd to send someone who would say "yes" that's God or "no" that not know..some guidance by someone who is has the heart of God and who is seasoned and patient with us.

Are you involved in a local church that is Apostolic or Prophetic in operation??
Currently I am in a ministry that is based on the apostolic teachings; however they focus more so on deliverance than prophetic due to the nature and vision of the ministry. We live in a country where less than 1% of the people believe in Christ. A lot of warfare and deliverance goes on here. :shock: I have actually seen the high places here and how they are worshipped but I have also seen great moves from God in the ministry and lives of so many people. This is where God saved me. This ministry is a type of training ground (for so many) and it draws a lot of military families. A lot of people come and go in this ministry due to servicing military families. This is my second time living here and this is the second time coming back to the ministry and being apart of it. I was saved here in Japan at this ministry. I am currently in transition back to the states my time will be finished here in a few months.

This site has been a wonderful experience for me. I praise God for it.
I totally agree with you that this is definately a blessing for all us. I am glad that I came across it becuase I can say that it has taught me some things and also caused me to broaden my view spiritually. Thank you for your words of encouragement! :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:43 am
by talitha
D2G, I think it's very interesting the question you gave me - because my husband and I are preparing - at least I think it's going to happen - to move to another country to help start a prophetic training school and respite center for missionaries. I've become more and more "pastoral" through my work with Tehillah Ministries, and I feel that this is something that the Lord is calling me to...... thanks for sharing your heart.....


Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:52 am
by Determined2Grow
Tal- To be honest I was unctioned to ask you that question and I kept trying to post 3 different times (this one being my third)because I would put that 1 question
Tal- This is my question to you “who will go for us?”
in my response and take it out or reword it so that it didn't not sound so direct and all of a sudden I would loose all of the information I wrote in the tan box or the computer would freeze and I would loose the information. Finally I wrote it how I felt led to write it in the first place. Very direct and towards you :roll: . I struggled with that 1 sentence ( because I didn't want to be offensive)and you would be amazed at how many ways you can write that 1 sentence (LOL) and still not say what the Holy Spirt wants said. :oops: I know in my heart you will go and I know that we are waiting on you and your husband. To God be the glory....what a much needed ministry across the nations!

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:05 am
by talitha
D2G, thanks so much for your obedience!

*insert kissy-faced smiley here, lol*


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:14 pm
by the kingsdaugher31

I think we all understand your frustration. Just know that you aren't alone. We're all dreamers here. Thank God, for this website!!! Sometimes I share my dreams with those closest to me, and you should see the looks on their faces!!! I've been told, "I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT YOU!" Of course I don't take offense to that. I'm honored that God uses me in this manner. I've dreamed specific things about specific people and told them about the dreams and they knew exactly what it meant and what they needed to do. So, just be encouraged and know that you are so special to God! :D