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Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:20 pm
by Roxy

As I was waking up on Christmas Day I had a vision: I saw a white

oblong square slowly move into place. On this whiter then white piece

oblong square I saw a MARK!!! It was made of black Ink. It formed a

complete circle...with a small point facing up towards heaven.

I never had a chance to write it down in my journal until after I got off

work on 12/25/09. No sooner did I write it...then laid down and closed

my eyes, and in the spirit I heard: " HE SHOWED HER THE MARK!!!"

He spoke another sentence which I do not remeber. It too was spoken

very angrily! Today in church I asked the intercessors to pray about it,

& I will fast & pray too!


Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:45 pm
by Jen
it is hard to say for sure, but i think that what you are describing has something to do with wicca.
