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Upsetting Dream

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:55 am
by rev_rob_dunham
The dream played out with me just being an observer. Watching from a distance. In the beginning I was watching 2 young men in a car. The man in the passenger seat was a soldier just home from the war. He was wearing his green fatigues. The man driving was his best friend from childhood. The man driving was so excited about his friend coming home and was telling him EVERYTHING that had happened while he was gone. He just wouldn't stop talking and it was upsetting 'soldier boy'. I could feel how nervous and anxious he was getting. 'Soldier Boy' finally lost it. He covered his ears and screamed shut up. He then grabbed his gun and shot his friend. He car rolled to a stop. 'Soldier Boy' was freaking out. He kept screaming "What have I done?" He reached over and opened the drivers door and pushed his friend out. I then saw his friend lieing there. He looked like he was sleeping. 'Soldier Boy' then drove away at incredible speed, crying. I was sitting in the passenger seat crying with him. He stopped the car on an extremely high bridge and jumped out of the car running. He jumped off the edge of the bridge but he didn't just fall he fell flipping head over feet over and over.... When he jumped my perspective changed and I was at the bottom watching him fall. I couldn't watch and I covered my eyes with my left hand. I heard him land. The cars hitting one another. The screams. I smelled the rubber burning from the tires as they came to a stop.When I looked Soldier Boy was hanging halfway out of a car. There was so much blood. I remember my eye was drawn to his right leg. His pants were torn from his butt down, and there was a huge piece of glass sticking out of the back of his right thigh. I woke up in shock. I could remember every little detail of the dream. Any ideas what it could all mean?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:01 pm
by piano
No interpretation...

I did pray after reading this dream post for protection for those with and close to those with PTSD.

There is such a great need for Gods healing for these soldiers today and for those who suffer from trauma for different reasons.
I do believe the Lord intends to bring about deep and permanent healing for those with PTSD and Mental Illness in His Timing.

I have had the opportunity to listen to some of the events as witnessed by soldiers returning from the middle east.

It seems that listening and being present for these sometimes very young men and women is a big part of their healing, as is intercession in prayer.

This dream strikes some serious fears.
Prayers going out to you, that the peace of Christ would rest upon your heart and mind.

I am curious if you have allready been praying intercession for soldiers?

If so you could be picking up the needs of others for continued prayer.


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:21 pm
by Pigeon
When we are observers in dreams it is usually to help us understand a situation or a person or people. Something jumped out at me while reading through your dream. It is that you said you covered your eyes with your left hand. Your eyes are where you see through for which you can attain knowledge and foresight into an issue. The left in dreams refers to our calling. But you are covering your eyes so that you can not see. I believe the Lord is calling you to pray for and minister to soldiers when they come home from battle. The Lord is giving you some insight to their struggles. As piano said: "There is such a great need for Gods healing for these soldiers today and for those who suffer from trauma for different reasons." Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you if this is where HE is calling you.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:36 pm
by charlie
revrob...consider also that the soldier boy could represent an aspect of you...maybe "wounded in combat" in some way and in need of an understanding was a powerful image of desperation and acute pain...a cry for help almost...there is One who collects every tear and who bears our pain...

If you don't see it as relating to your own state of mind at this time then I would agree with the others that a call to interceed may be at hand...I would imagine that many literal and spiritual "soldier boys" could do with prayer.
