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Spear throwing/Black Panther

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:37 am
by sigmon2
Hi All
Had a dream this morning that was goes like started off with 3 of us walking into a grassy area to practice throwing this point I had no idea where I was just in this was like I was young, so I am taking it that this is a spiritual dream, the oldest of us would have been in his 20's then me a teen, say 16 to 18, and then a younger of us say 13 to 16 years old.......our spears were matched to our size in age, I mean it was made for us, like the younger boy mostly had a stick with a sharpe point, I had something a little more than that......there was a partial cement wall to our left and in the distance a wooded area otherwise nothing but high grass with a trail through it......
We were wearing roman tunic like clothing with a belt, but our elder had a simpe cape/ or what ever the would have called them and his clothes showed him to be older and more important than us younger boys, shoes were sandals........ok, so he was showing us the proper way to throw a spear, he threw one and it went a long ways......the younger of us with his little spear and I started to go get it and then our elder said to take his....but I refused and said he should hold on to it.....and as we turned something was wrong......I smelled a lion...and I felt we quickly went to get the spear which must have been mine...and we were met by 3 boys...2 my age and 1 younger and they were afraid, note here, they were wearing everyday clothes we would wear now in America.......were all heard the grass moving now and I smelled the strong scent even more and they were afraid.....I told them to run and stay on the path making noise as they go and the lion would not come to of the boys handed me the spear I was going to get.....they turned and ran and we turned to go back to our elder person....we followed the path and saw him up this incline.....he was hurt and on his left side he was holding a wound to his back with his left hand and he was sitting, his was very weak and not able to do anything.....the younger of us was now behind him and me in front of him....I now saw our surroundings, it was a housing area and cars were driving by...I commanded the younger boy to try to stop a car and get help.....I heard the lion behind me I turned and there it was but not a lion but a very large black panther and it was mean and out for more blood.....I could see blood already on it......apparently it had done a sneak attack on our elder guy and had come back to finish the job.....our elder guy was unable to fight I turn with my smaller spear....the panther was at the bottom of the gravel incline and I was at the elder reached over and grab my right arm and traded me spears...his was heavy and sort of fancy at the was of a more golden color at the top of the spear too....I took his spear and it was tough holding it up because of its I stood there with his spear pointed at the beast and it stopped in its tracks and was wailing away waving its front paws around....Now I know this was demonic because as I watched the black panther would like one of those 3D poster/cards change to even bigger but more of a monster panther with more of an evil looking nature to it...then it would go back on four paws and be a huge panther then raise up on it hinds legs and be this ugly monster looking panther again....but it did not dare come up the incline after the elder gave me the golden spear................then the dream ended as quickly as it started...............

well a couple of things, I hope this does not mean someone I know will be attacked, esp. by a sneak attack or by this dream has something to say about my spiritual progress being a teen is better than a baby or a toddler in his terrible 2's........I could smell and feel the evil coming that was good I was sad no one stopped to help.......the location did not spark a thought.......I know the word of God is a sword but what is a golden spear, or a spear for that matter......I read one place - its using words to get to the point - my way of saying it........and what ever this black beast was it was large and mean and powerful but it had a weakness--it did not like the golden couldn't had been me because the elder was bigger and stronger than me...
well another dream puzzle...........
see ya
thanks for reading

Hi All

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:31 am
by sigmon2
Hi have a little thought which may be of nothing......but it seems when I study and move forward in study I have these fight dreams...for example in this dream I was reading more on my study of Islam.....I began to wonder as I got a thought on it...I will have to pay more attention to it.....
see ya