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Controlling the birds

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:04 pm
by godseeker
i had a dream that we were at my grandmothers house,.and i really can't remember if it was my husband or my dad,.but they were on her front porch and my little girl was out there with him,.and he was making the birds go crazy,.there was something he was doing,.don't remember but everytime he did it the birds would fly to him,.flocks of them,.and then when he would stop they would fly away and he would keep doing and he was doing it in a daring way,.and he and my daughter thought it was cool and funny,.lots and lots of blackbirds and the more he did it the more would start coming they would fly and swoop very close to him but they never touched him,.lots a poop was falling and some other type of liquid,.it got so bad that some of the birds were coming into my grands house,.and i was trying to get them out,.even a duck flew in,.and i remember taking the broom and trying to shew them back out onto the porch

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:25 am
by Robert159347
Birds in the Bible are usually symbolic of false prophets, demons, and other people of that nature. The person, who you weren't sure if he was your husband or father, I see as representing G-d and Jesus, because Jesus is your husband and G-d is your father, and they are both the same person. I think G-d is just showing you that he is in control of the all the false prophets and wolves in the church.

Hope this helps!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:24 am
by godseeker
you know robert,.i don't know if that is the interpretation or not,.but i know that what you said speaks to what is going on with me right now,.i literally had a meltdown a few days ago,.and i did not want to go back to my church,.i have been battling with a lot of things that are happening,.and i know that there is no perfect church right now,.well i am just gonna leave it at that,.because i really have to learn how to pray about this situation,.and not look at what i see is going on,.and keep my heart pure

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:48 am
by Robert159347
Well, then that probably explains why they were getting into your house, and pooping everywhere. Anyway, I just want to say that I know exactly what your going through. G-d keeps reminding me, that even though these people come up against me for preaching his word, that he has them on a leash (leash is the symbol he uses for me), and even though it doesn't look like it, he is in control, and they can't do anything that he doesn't will. I just pray that whatever you're going through that G-d helps you through it, and that he turns it into good.

G-d Bless