Please don't jump!

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Please don't jump!

Post by discerning »

All glory to Him!

Following is my daughter's dream during a nap today. Much of it is quite clear to me but it's not my dream & hey-what do mom's know? :wink: Insight from all you anointed fellow dreamers would be greatly appreciated.

I’m driving past the AFB with my infant daughter in the back seat. The road is winding and I can’t seem to hold my eyes open. I call hubby at work & tell him to come pick me up. He agrees but I continue driving until I reach home..

When I arrived home my mom & grandmother were in my bedroom. (don’t know why). I stumbled down the hallway to the foyer & lay down on the floor. At this point, dd was in her seat (carrier) which was in a chair near my head. Then hubby walks in the door. Mom & g-mom come down the hallway & step over me.

Scene changes. Hubby & I are at a big party at his job. It was outside & the surroundings were just one huge playground. There was a large building there which contained men’s & women’s restrooms – they looked like locker rooms. Hubby & I are fighting. I enter the men’s restroom & start yelling at him. Then I get mad & enter the women’s restroom. A large woman with orange hair followed me in. She was wearing bright orange lipstick which matched her hair.

She followed me into the stall & stood in front of me. She asked me how old I was and if I was still ovulating. She then said hubby was sending text msgs of a s_exual nature. I stormed past her & returned to the men’s room to find hubby. I questioned him about it & he admitted it. I asked him how he could do such a thing – he had promised me he never would.

I returned to the women’s room, got my stuff (?) & yelled at hubby as I passed by the men’s room as I was leaving. When I got outside, I had my wedding ring off. I asked one of hubby’s friends where he was & was told that he had left. I asked when? He replied about 5 min ago. I asked the friend, ‘When did he tell you this?’ The friend replied, ‘A couple of days ago.’

I ran back inside the building looking for hubby. [Note: the men’s room was to the left, the women’s room was straight ahead] As I turned left to enter the men’s room, I saw an old friend of mine named John standing there. I entered the men’s room but could not find hubby. I yelled, ‘First thing Monday morning, we’re getting a divorce. I heard hubby say ‘ok’ & saw him walk by out of the corner of my eye.

I ran to the window & stuck my head out. He was sitting outside the window about to jump. I told him not to, to think of the children. He said, ‘I’m a dark person right now.’ [end of dream]

(Btw, hubby is in the Air Force. The AFB in the dream is where he is stationed IRL)

Thanks in advance from dd & me.


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Hang on sis, help is on the way!

Post by Janice »

Driving in a dream is never good. It show that one is not totally allowing the Holy Spirit to lead in their life. In this dream, her baby could be talking about her spiritual growth. Not being a new born, yet having room to grow. Take her out of the back seat and move her forwards so she can grow spiritually.

Holding one's eye's open could just be the struggles of every day's life. Peer pressure is every where and unless they stay submitted to God, the eyes will close. Hang on sis, help is on the way! I could be wrong...but I see where she could have gone to Church :or will go and surrendered some issues over to the LORD; and was put under His Spirit. (Slain in the Spirit.)

Still, I see where there will be revival to break out...or did already... and the Joy and Spirit of the LORD washed you both... from all past issues. I do see that she needs to use caution in her tone when she speaks to her husband. Especially if it's the LORD. LOL She could be driving him away if this is about her real Husband. Counseling works wonders in helping with communication and releasing frustration. Not sure if this is talking about the LORD... or her real husband. But her anger could be directed at God. And I see that perhaps she is wondering weather or not she was passing her Bi-Logical clock time because something hasn't taken place.
"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up."

Post by talitha »

Janice wrote:Driving in a dream is never good. It show that one is not totally allowing the Holy Spirit to lead in their life.
That is not always what driving shows. Dream symbols are not set in stone, and we should all be careful not to make this type of definitive statement.
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Post by gloryhis »

Hi Lynda,
Jesus bless you sweet sister,

The winding road seems this way to me. It goes straight for a while and then it curves, like a lot of marriages do, it seems she is going down that road or at least in the dream. Her baby is in the car with her and I think she is trying at this point to just think of hubby and her own intimate relationship and where it is going, but because it keeps changes, winding, she can't focus and keep her eyes open, ultimately it may be making her very tired emotionally.

She calls reaches out to him?, pick me up, help me here hubby, I need you to come and help me sort his out. He agrees, but she continues to drive, in other words not let him lead her or unduly affect /persuade her thoughts.

makes it home , is tired, you and granny are there in the bedroom and I really feel this is widsom from you both , she hears it played back perhaps in her mind as soon as she settles in. So she leaves that place and then "stumbles' to the hallway, a place which can lead in any direction.. and ends up laying down tired it seems in the foyer, back at the beginning , a place of entry. Her baby is the main one on her mind it seems now, positioned in a chair near her head.. her thoughts.

now she sees the AFB as a play ground , a place where people can get into too much playing off duty. A big party of sorts. The men and women rooms seems to be so pronounced as such, like this is for men! this is for women! she doesn't seem to want it that way,doesn't like the seperate privacy issues for lack of a better analogy, she wants to be privy to every area of his life, no private stuff or things the boys do. and so she goes into the "mens" room and confronts him, perhaps on issues men try to say are just things men do blah blah blah..It angered her and I do feel the big woman was some part of her which followed her into the ladies room because of the anger, the questions she asked her about her age, ovulating, are you still fertile enough to be hopeful or expectant? Or is this getting so old that you no longer have hope ? She is told he is not being exactly faithful, . Clearly in this dream trust is an issue. It also seems she is torn about what to do, for the kids sake and his spiritual well being..
His jumping and the darkness he speaks of, I feel relate to how she sees this over all, that perhaps he would just give up and not try to work at it truly, the darkness meaning perhaps he can't really see cleary what he should be seeing, so she tells him to consider his kids before just giving up.

In Jesus love,
Jesus Is Lord!
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Post by discerning »

Thanks, Janice & Glo, for your time and your insight. :D I've printed this out for dd but haven't seen her all week. I'll post her reply as soon as I receive it.


(p.s. ya'll, all insight is welcome...maybe i shoulda titled this 'please jump in' ??) :mrgreen:

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17