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Condo Sale/Army Deliverance

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:02 pm
by Warrior Princess
I'm sure this is out of order again:

I saw a row of condos that were for sale. I had looked at them once before. I decided to go in and look again. I left my daughter in the car and went in. Talked to the realtor. They had knocked down walls to make it all one big house.

A woman asked me to take the phone and talk to a man. He had a woman manifesting in him. You could hear the woman's voice manifest. In fact, the woman's voice said, "You can hear the woman's voice manifesting." or something along those lines. Somehow, I could see the man was wearing an ARMY t-shirt. I was doing deliverance on him over the phone. Then, I was explaining to him to get into a good church, etc.

Not sure if this scene was in a classroom or what, but I was sitting across the room from a man who led 2 boys in prayer to receive Jesus. I had talked to these 2 boys about Jesus before, I think. The man put his hands up like, yay Jesus, and I did it back. I was smiling big and the man pointed to his smile, like signing to me that he liked my big smile or something and I think I explained that of course I was happy about people getting saved, etc.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:56 pm
by spoken4
It sounds as if God may be showing you that he is about to tear down some walls that were used to make room for all those that he is calling to His house. It seems like God may be revealing to you that you are being called to minister to one who clearly manifests a homosexual spirit but is marked by him for the kingdom of God.
Perhaps the two boys, could be symbolic of two boys together (perhaps the homsexuality element) that you have or will sow into...that God will take the seed you may have planted in them and that seedplay a part in Him bringing them into the kingdom.
We are supposed to be a church without walls yet many still choose to remain seperate and unavailable to communicate and minister to them...(especially ones that are "flaming", so to speak) Maybe God is giving you a ministry of deliverance for them. AN ability to see past where they are presently, To seeing them as God sees them (potential soldiers in his army) set free and delivered!! Let the walls of seperation come down God!! That all will be freely ministered to and brought into your kingdom!!

Please take this to the holy sprit and if you have never felt called to this...or this does not resonate with you...PLEASE TRASH!! Blessings on you as you search!! I pray God make it clear what He is saying to you in Jesus name!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:18 pm
by Warrior Princess
We'll see. =)

Thank you so much for your reply.