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New Carpet

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:07 pm
by clare777
I dreamed that I was with my family and we had other family getting ready to come in. I am in the family room with my spiritual mom and James. I looked over at her and I can feel the "anointing" all over her. I then begin to prophesy to her and telliing her, "YOu've been asking the Lord for more gifts of the spirir and wanting to go higher, the Lord has released these gifts to you today"...she is sitting on the couch drunk in the spirit. Then in the dream, I gave James (who is a young Apostle) $30.00 to his ministry. Then he gives me a big huge long hug (nothing sexual)...
Then, I am speaking and telling someone that I wanted a new car and James tells me, "You don't need a new car, you just need to learn to get comfortable to the one you are driving.
The scene changes and I am in the dining room with some other ladies from my church family. There are appetizers on the table, and I notice that the ladies are being "very selevtive" about what they are eating or they are choosing not to eat. In the dream I tell them, "Ladies you are going to have to eat more than that. You need to quick being so selective and start eating meals." Then my spiritual Father walks in all dressed in black and decrees healing in his knees and I jump up and say I come into agreement in Jesus name (In real life we are decreeing total healing for his knees before he goes back to India in April)
The scene changes and I am in the living room laying down next to my spiritual father (who is dressed in black). He is sound asleep and at peace. I can feel the "anointing" around him. I am thinking to myself, " I hope noone thinks this is sexual or anything.."
The scene changes and i am upstairs and we are all having to change the carpets in our rooms. All the carpet is the electric blue but some of them have feces on them where the people have deficated on there own carpets in their bedrooms. I see my spiritual father helping people get rid of their old carpets...and carrying them. In my bedroom was a step up like another level. In there was a young man who was complaining about all the feces in the bedrooms. Then he starts telling me about his drug life and how people had hurt hiim. I pointed to hiim that his drug problem had to do with the spirit of rejection from his mother and especially his father..
The scene changes again and I am walking down the stairs with the rolled up old, deficated make room for the new carpet.....
End of dream:

Woke up and the first think that came to my mind was "thought life" ....and for myself...the yound man represents my past and the Lord healing from past.
I do believe that part of this dream has to do with the ladies in our church...(will have to pray about it),

Blessings in Christ,

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:28 am
by Robert159347
The only thing I could get out of the dream is when you said you needed a new car. That is you wanting a new or different ministry, but James tell you that you don't need a new ministry you just need to accept the one you have now, and I think you can trust James' advice.

Hope this helps!