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Brand NEW Teeth????

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:56 pm
by WaitingforHim
God Bless Everyone!!

Ok....In this dream something happened to me and I ended up having several if not all of my teeth knocked out... :cry: I just remembered being at the dentist with my mom and being sedated to undergo surgery...When I woke up I had a whole new set of teeth...They were supposed to be those permanent veneers?? Anyway, I remember seeing I could observe myself in the dream too...and I thought they were really white compared to my real ones...and also they changed the way my face looked a little...Also it seemed that my bottom ones were a little close to my tongue and I didn't like the feeling ....

We left and we were at my grandparents house. All of a sudden I realized that the white parts (veneers) were coming off!! I could see the silver buds underneath and my gums were bleeding! I started yelling for my mom to come call the dentist!!! This isn't supposed to be happening!! She said "In a minute" but never came...I was panicking...My grandfather yelled at her to come...I started looking for the phone book to call myself...I found it and while looking I said this "You never were a good mom! As soon as I turned 18 I never had a mother again!" My grandfather agreed with me...

I was at the dentist again and I was showing him what happened...He put me in a chair and had a numbing needle in one hand and a tray with all the things to repair my teeth in the other hand...I said to him..."Is this going to hurt? Shouldn't you put me to sleep?" He said no, you will be fine...My other office must have done this to shouldn't have happened...but we will have you fixed up!...Then I said to him "What about how they are rubbing on my tongue and making my face look different?? Then he said this "Honey, You were burned so badly that they couldn't recognize your face to put it on a tombstone! So be glad with the way it looks...!!" They couldnt' even recognize you before!....

I thought how strange...I didn't really see any trace of being burned....hmmm...ok...

Thanks for all prayers and imput...

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:09 pm
by HisGurl
Sounds like Jesus D.D.S. wants to dig in and heal some of those tender areas you were hurt in a while ago. He wants to numb the pain that the person in the "other office" caused (your mother or your mother could represent someone else). This tooth repair (healing) would affect your smile which to me means it would change the countenance of your entire face. Also the tongue rubbing could mean to just be careful of the words you speak. Don't nullify the process by speaking negatively.
Not being able to "recognize" you before ....... to me this speaks of identity. Now you have a new identity in Christ. The old has passed away, behold the new has come. The burns were old hurts and pains.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:28 pm
by WaitingforHim
Thank you!! Welcome by the way! I appreciate your time on this...and will take this before the Lord...I do have some thoughts of my own on this one..but I need to make sure they are the "LORD'S" thoughts and not just mine!!lol...Again thank you for your time and love.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:26 pm
by Joy2dream
I'll be back later tonight, but consider have you received a word that came from someone one that was hurtful. Don't think your mom is RL mom but the church.

Bless ya,

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:37 pm
by WaitingforHim
looking foreward to your response...Yeah, I thought mom may have been a person or the church...not really my mom...

I am thinking it may be someone whom I considered to be a "help"...that isn't in my life anymore...When the going gets tough they are out of here so to speak..lolol...

Wondering if the teeth are broken issues...things that were repaired the way that the Lord wants them and not necessarily the way that I would like...

I also was considering that the enemy wanted me dead or out of the picture but couldn't recognize me to put a name on the stone...?? In other words the e. thought what happened to me would spiritually kill me...he had it all planned out...but even though I was burned pretty bad...the Lord restored all that was broken and it was whiter (purer) than before...though it may be rubbing me the wrong way...I may be uncomfortable the way things currently are because they aren't exactly like they used to be...its ok..Wondering though about the person who tried to fix it before...they ended up causing a mess....??? I am not sure about this part...

Just sharing some thoughts with you guys...this does seem to make sense if this is what the interp. is about...


:oops: Purge us all LORD!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:55 pm
by Janice
Sounds to me, like the Holy Spirit is doing a work in you. This is something that the Church can help with through instruction; but the Holy Spirit has to do the final work in you. All, to help make you your best for the LORD. The fire of God purges away all that besets up in life that will keep us from being God's best. Tell the Holy Spirit to burn on.... We all should be consumed with His fire. Remember, the face is speaking of the heart.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:05 am
by WaitingforHim
Remember, the face is speaking of the heart.
Face can also speak of character. Its what you are known by...your features, make-up....

I don't feel that the burning in this dream was representative of the Holy spirit fire...I feel that this burning is used in a bad being burned by enemy fire...what happened wasn't a good was what the Lord did that was miraculous...because I couldn't even tell I had got burned after he was done...

Reminded me of when The three went into the fire and while they were in there they seen a fourth!! The Holy Ghost with them and came out without a mark....

In that context I don't believe the Lord sent them in either...but he did use it for His Glory...

This is kind of what I am feeling in this dream also....that I did get burned by some people but the Lord is using it for His Glory...

And I do know that He is forever changing me for the better ...To serve Him and benefit the Kingdom of God.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:20 am
by Joy2dream
Ok....In this dream something happened to me and I ended up having several if not all of my teeth knocked out... I just remembered being at the dentist with my mom and being sedated to undergo surgery...When I woke up I had a whole new set of teeth...They were supposed to be those permanent veneers?? Anyway, I remember seeing I could observe myself in the dream too...and I thought they were really white compared to my real ones...and also they changed the way my face looked a little...Also it seemed that my bottom ones were a little close to my tongue and I didn't like the feeling ....
I'm beginning to think this dream is segments of your live. This part shows that something happened and you lost your grip/wisdom. Your mom/church family, ect. took you in in order to heal you. They sedated you or pleased you, kept you calm for a while. Your teeth looked good and white/holy but didn't feel comfortable in your mouth, you bottom bite is off and the teeth are too close to your tongue.

Main Entry: 1se·date
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sedatus, from past participle of sedare to calm; akin to sedēre to sit — more at sit
Date: 1663
: keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace : unruffled

We left and we were at my grandparents house. All of a sudden I realized that the white parts (veneers) were coming off!! I could see the silver buds underneath and my gums were bleeding! I started yelling for my mom to come call the dentist!!! This isn't supposed to be happening!! She said "In a minute" but never came...I was panicking...My grandfather yelled at her to come...I started looking for the phone book to call myself...I found it and while looking I said this "You never were a good mom! As soon as I turned 18 I never had a mother again!" My grandfather agreed with me...
The whiteness was not a true fit and the covering came off. Silver buds underneath speaks of the redemption you have at the root of the wisdom. Your mother/church not listening and not helping I think may be an early church experience you had. The grandfather or your past testifies that the mother wasn't a good nurturer.

I was at the dentist again and I was showing him what happened...He put me in a chair and had a numbing needle in one hand and a tray with all the things to repair my teeth in the other hand...I said to him..."Is this going to hurt? Shouldn't you put me to sleep?" He said no, you will be fine...My other office must have done this to shouldn't have happened...but we will have you fixed up!...Then I said to him "What about how they are rubbing on my tongue and making my face look different?? Then he said this "Honey, You were burned so badly that they couldn't recognize your face to put it on a tombstone! So be glad with the way it looks...!!" They couldnt' even recognize you before!....
Now you at another dentist/healing place and he is going to repair your teeth/grip/wisdom, he wants you to be awake/alert put promises you will not be hurt this time. I think the other office here can be another church, a prophet or a division of the current church you are in. This dr. isn't concerned that your bottom bite is off a little and your tongue is rubbing your teeth or your words are rubbing wisdom. I think the burn refers to the hurt you went through. Perhaps the part about your face is referring to the former mother/who she represents ability to see your value, they were unable to make a memorial to you or a place of recognization for you. The dr. is saying that now you will look better to them and you will be recognized.

I thought how strange...I didn't really see any trace of being burned....hmmm...ok...
You won't even smell like smoke :mrgreen:

You know what to do with any/all that doesn't witness to the Holy Spirit within you.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:58 am
by WaitingforHim
Thanks sis..for all the time you spend on not just mine but on everyone's dreams here...what a blessing you are indeed!

I am not too sure about the churches..I have never really had a prior church experience...I am in the only one I have ever been in since being saved...but interesting enough...I wouldn't be in that one had it not been for my grandfather going there...

Also, I have always felt that the church I am now in really didn't "Mother" me upon getting saved...I never felt that I was "milked" so to speak...just instantly kind of on my mentoring and no advice given...I won't go into detail...but you get my point..

I have actually gotten "burned" a few people..or what was behind their actions...but always stuck it out...But not too long ago their was an attack that seemed to leave me feeling like I had all my teeth knocked out!!! lolololol....I kind of felt dispondant for a long time...really not knowing what hit me...and also feeling that I was going through a change...not really liking it either..lolol...but feeling the Lord with me...

Wondering though Joy, why do you suppose the dentist said the first job was done under sedation by someone in the other office.??? It seemed that the office was his also...but another dentist was doing the work..??

Still pondering this one...