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Men carrying another dead(?) man-birds flying out of him...

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:59 am
by Realisticdreamz
The dream starts out with me standing somewhere, I think outside, just observing what appeared to be a corpse being carried by 2 men. Though I knew men were carrying him, I don't recall actually seeing the men carrying him, nor do I know who they were and I do not recognize the man being carried either but I noticed he was a fairly thick man.

Something inside me made me question if the man was really dead or not. I do not know why I questioned this in my spirit. I wondered if he was just unconscious or asleep. The man does not have a shirt on and I see his back mainly. Then suddenly about a half dozen birds start flying out of the man's body, orderly - out of his back. I am not sure what kind of birds, but they were like bluebirds. Although I watch this with interest, for some reason I said, or thought, "that doesn't surprise me." [to see what I saw].

End of dream.

The dream was on 3/13/10. Any help would be appreciated. I seem to be stumped by my dreams lately! :)

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:15 am
by shiner
I've really been enjoying reading your dreams on this page!

God has shown me the color "blue" in relation to revelation from Him. I don't have my bible software handy but Jesus said: where the (dead) body is, the eagles gather.

So putting these thoughts together, I'm thinking that it's possible that the Lord is going to reveal some things to you concerning (end times) prophecy... in relation to the fallen nature of man, in relation to "6" which is the number of man (Revelation 13).

hope that helps! God bless you, Kim

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:24 am
by Realisticdreamz
Thank you Kim. :)

Well according to Tehillah's book on dreams here are the meanings but blue doesn't seem to have a negative implication... and the body though it appeared dead, I did not feel the man was really dead. I wonder if had to do with some kind of deliverance for someone. Though I cannot really say, why seeing the birds come out of the man did not surprise me. I said it like it was suspected, but now seen. Odd dream.

Bird: Holy Spirit; evil spirits; wicked rulers; nations that are hostile; Kingdom of God; a mother’s love; God’s provision. (Matt. 6: 29; 13: 32; 23: 37; Is. 46: 11)

Blue: The Holy Spirit; heaven; heavenly visitation. (Numbers 15: 38; Ex. 28; Num. 4)

You are right about seeing things regarding prophesy of end times! [I only pick it up when I feel inspiration of the Holy Spirit; in trickles] I was studying and studying and though I understood a great deal; there was still a few missing pieces that I knew only the Holy Spirit could reveal. So I put it down and prayed, I will wait on Him and it must not be the right time for understanding and will just trust Him that He will let me know when the time is right and if it wasn't His Will to give understanding, I would accept that as well. And beginning that night for over a week, in mid January, I dreamed everynight with visions and dreams about things to come. One vision with intense feelings gave me great encouragement and faith! I saw the Hand of Jesus; holding the world. I immediately knew in my dream that all things are in His Hands and He is in control! In the dream, the meaning of the vision was soooo clear and extremely heart warming and comforting and I said, how could men be so deceived as to not know this or to forget this! It was tearfully joyous to see this reminder! :)

Another vision in a dream seen twice repeatedly that there are 2 more powers to rise yet, represented each as a mountain with a hill on it. I saw the power with the hill (which represented religion) first and the religion with this power (events caused this rise to power) but the second mountain and hill was grayed out. Which told me that one is in the works to rise soon and that other may come as a result of the first.

One thing in common in this dream as in the one with the man and the birds flying out of him is that I was told in the dream how this power had risen and I said something similar; "Oh, I could see how that could cause it happen!" It unfolds almost naturally - like cause and effect.

Wondering who/what the beast was, I dreamed of 2 different beasts and was told [in another dream] that I was shown 2 different views of the beast. One represented unclean man and the other spiritual and came from a dark cloud [tempest without rain], and it represented mockery. These I understand pretty clearly.

The bottom line is this... no matter what comes, He is still in power and control! What comes, will only be a purification, cleansing and preparation for His people. As Daniel says in Chapter 12;

10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

Anyway, I have found that many Christians are not really into deep study of prophesy and that is ok - so long as Christ is the focus. It is not a requirement of salvation to know these things. :)

I think I will post a couple more puzzling dreams. Thank you for your help with the dreams - you are gifted. May God continue to bless and inspire you.