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multi-colored Harley Davidson Cadillac

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:29 am
by thesharpeningstone
Good Day,

I arrived at work early yesterday. I decided to rest in the car before going into work. I must have fallen asleep for a couple of minutes or fell into a trance. In that time, I had a short dream. In the dream I met Todd Bentley.

Todd Was in the Parking lot adding trim to a car. I think it was a Cadillac. The idea was to make a Harley Davidson version of the car. I said it looked great, but they should not have painted it black. It should be multi-colored.

Todd said that he met me before, back when I used to sell cars. I had told him about a truck with a new duramax engine. He said that after our talk, he took one for a test drive.
(IRL I sold cars about six years ago for a few months, but I never met Todd.)


lost souls

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:21 am
by Janice
Do you think Jesus could be telling you to get involved in out reach ministry to the lost? If you already are... perhaps this is just a conformation of where He wants you. And in that case you are on track. It wasn't multi color because it's not speaking of the prophetic...but rather about lost souls.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:42 pm
by talitha
tss, sometimes (as I'm sure you know) a car can represent ministry. I know that Todd Bentley is in several ways an equipper of ministries - the teachings and prophetic words and impartations that God allows him to give add fire (was the trim HD orange?) to people's ministries.....

I grew up thinking of a Cadillac as the very best car, and that is probably what it would mean to me.

The fact that it's a Harley Davidson package to me could mean a ministry to bikers (I have a good friend who pastors a "biker church" :mrgreen:) - but what's coming up in my spirit is "warriors" - have you heard Kim Clement speak of "warriors"? :wink:

One thing about the black vs. multicolored - I went through a time in my life when I wore black almost all the time - up through my first little stint as a missionary in the early nineties - it took a lot for me to get out of that. I felt very conspicuous if I wore a color, and I didn't like that. I feel that in this case the Cadillac is supposed to be black - it's like a cloak that allows the wearer to get close to others before being noticed. It's not about being ashamed of the Gospel - it's about not being conspicuous. Just MHO.

I feel that you want the car/ministry to be multicolored to reflect the joy you have in the Lord, and now I understand that. Nowadays I'm known as "multicolored", so to speak, by people who know me.......

just my thoughts......

bless you