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Stuck between sleep and awake unable to speak!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:52 am
by Travis
It has been a few years since I've had this experience happen to me I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone has had the same thing.

This happened to me as I was waking up at first and then as I was going to sleep later on.

At first for many years had dreams of the demons being right in my face I would rebuke them in my dreams and would usually speak in tongues as well. But after having these dreams several times. The enemy would choke my voice off so that I couldn't speak, I would awake and still be unable to speak, this was very unsettling for me.

I emailed my pastor because of this and asked him to pray for me he did and the dreams stopped. It took a lot to get the courage to email him.

Several years later I have something very similar happen to me only this was as I was going to sleep. I would drift off have awake and half asleep, (that's the only way I can describe it) I would then feel a presence in the room I would awake but couldn't speak and couldn't move I would be held like this for several seconds. This would happen repeatedly to me.

I talked with a very gifted friend of mine, I began to tell her about this wondering what this could mean. I was thinking it was the enemy, but not sure in some ways. There have been many people teriffied in the Bible that met angels. What's interesting to me is that the only thing I could do would be to listen, and I've always been afraid of hearing the Voice of God.

Someone please help me on this as I've thought about it quite a bit and have wondered about this.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:24 am
by Jewels sunshine
Travis i have had something like this happen to me a few times.... i would be awake, drifting off or waking up and be stuck.. not quite abkle to fully awake. Its almost like one might feeli n a coma....
I call out to Jesus in my mind and call on the BLood of Jesus. This has really helped me...
Call out on the name of Jesus in ur mind and apply his shed blood... look up scriptures on the power of the blood of Jesus for the believer....
Jesus can hear u even in this state.... remmeber theres power in his name!Also think about playing some Bible cds or strong annointed Christian music for awile as u drift off ..... play it low so it dosent bothe ru ,,, but play it for awile... and see if this helps the situation but be consistant....

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:17 pm
by Manassehs_Warrior
This has happened to me quite a few times and while I couldnt speaek, I would think as strongly as I could "Jesus".... Someone told me to think on the Blood of Jesus and "The Blood of Jesus is against you!", pretty much what Jewels said.

When it happens to me, it is demonic. It is annoying to me but I am past where I am truly frightened because I know it is the enemy trying to be a bully.... but greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world.... I will feel annoyed the way I would if someone were throwing spitballs at me or something.... It cant kill me but it is rude and annoying, etc.

It was also suggested to me to anoint my bedpost with oil before bed which for some reason, I have not done. Maybe try that? And put on praise and worship music while you sleep, on low. Demons cant stand that.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:32 am
by talitha
Although I do believe that in some (or possibly many) cases "sleep paralysis" happens in association with demonic attacks or other spiritual reasons, there is another explanation. There is a natural phenomenon that prevents the body from acting out dreams, and sometimes it simply gets stuck. There's a scientific explanation of this in this article: ... hashi.html
Just thought I'd throw this in there.....


Thank you

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:31 pm
by Travis
I checked out that site and it was a good read, I would say that I agree mostly with what it says. But we also know that without the spirit the body can't live. So there is that weird unknown connection that goes from spirit to physical at some point.

I do agree with you on this and felt that this matched. Although I do believe that the enemy is most likely aware of this and may take opportunity at this as with any illness. It is very unnerving, I prayed quite abit on this and it went away.