Pastor and former friends from church

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Pastor and former friends from church

Post by chica4christ »

I had a dream this morning that involved a current pastor and ladies that serve/served as praise and worship leaders.

I dreamed that i walked into a dining room and I saw all of my friends and all they were eating was crispy bacon. I looked at them in disbelief and was like, why are ya'll only eating bacon? That is so unhealthy. They laughed it off and acted like they didn't care. I was shocked because none of these ladies are thin in real life, they are all somewhat overweight but not obese or anything just a little overweight.

Next scene is a pastor at the bar. My friend asked me to tell him she wanted a drink, i was like you ask him, your of age. She's like no, he knows you. So then I asked him for the drink and he was sitting at on a barstool reading a paper and I said "jay" and he looked up and looked somewhat drained and like bla. I asked him to make me a certain drink and he did and I gave it to my friend and I woke up.

I dont know if this dream means anything.
Amber Allman
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Post by Amber Allman »

The sense I get is that the people in the dream (or whatever/whoever they represent) seem to you to be "eating" and "drinking" the wrong things (spiritually). Or perhaps the Lord is trying to tell you that is the case...that the "word" being preached/followed may be more based in law than grace, perhaps?