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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:44 am
by bigbee
I had a quick dream where I saw a asian man in what looked to be a restaurant setting. He was throwing out what looked to be like little pellets (like they would throw rice at a wedding). The pellets hit me on the head and stung a little. In the dream I knew that the man was throwing lavender (is this a plant?)

What stood out:

-I knew it was lavender that the man was throwing

What does lavender mean or represent? Any thoughts on this dream?

Thanks Bb

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:40 am
by kimibrew
Hi Bb,

I tried to look up lavender and only found what I already smells terrific! Yes, it's a lovely plant that is highly fragrant. The ones I've seen are a light sage green with the tips flowering out in purple. You can gently run your hand against this flower and the fragrance is so strong that your hand will carry the smell.

It's used in body lotions, sprays, soaps and you can even eat the dried flowers. A friend made me yummy butter cookies with dried lavender mixed in.

OH, one more thought. I think lavender has quite a reputation for elegance. Women used to wash their sheets in lavender water and it's connected with luxuriating in the bath.

Sorry, I don't know what the dream means, but hope this info might stir understanding.



Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:09 pm
by Krista
The first thing that hit me is 1. Are you single and wanting to get married? If so it's possible your feeling like people are hitting you over the head with it.

But since it was only like rice pellets and not rice pellets, could it be that you feel hit in the head, maybe someone ism aking you feel non elegant enough? (from the last persons posts about lavender being elegant)