wow - school/wagon/flint lock/angel/more

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wow - school/wagon/flint lock/angel/more

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi All
Hope all are is a new am day and I decided to add this to my collection of frustrating dreams...........
The dream starts this way and is a drawn out one...i will try not to be to detailed.......
I started by standing on the edge of a street after a good solid rain. no idea where i am at.....i pick up a side of the road construction sign with the siper legs and the spring for blowing in the wind...or so the wind will not blow it over......I put it on my head and start across the road...every thing is busy cars are going only one direction and they do not want to stop for me....when one slows down for me another comes around it and almost hits me but i finally make it across and still carrying the sign, diamond shape, and walk down a side road with no wet....i see woods and older houses and it appears to be fall cause leaves are falling off the trees and are all over the ground but still in the trees too. The street is a short street and it deadends to a another street.....however i see that the water from the rain has overflowed the ditches and is flowing from left to right and the water is crsytal clear. I try not to step in it because it is deep and i do not water to have wet shoes and pants.....i see the water crosses the road thru a field past more houses and it kepts going...but i do not see where the water is coming from........
I turn the direction the water is coming from and i find myself walking up to a large building and i go in...i walk into a office and up to a counter and i fill out paperwork. I look closer because i think now i know for sure i am half dreaming or in a dream maybe but i see the words pierce college. this is a school here in town and has a branch campus not far from me. I fill out the papers to attend and then the office manager want me to meet all the office she starts with who she calls her babies....the new ones or college students....they line up...then she calls the next group...i remember saying does she really have to do this? as each group came forward i backed up...all the way back to a wall then people started cleaning and they cleared out the entire office to where it was empty of everything including the carpet...just a shiny floor....i walked out into a hallway....
As I walked I saw people...students i think but also movers moving stuff out of the office area.....i even picked up something one of the movers dropped and gave it to him......I walked into a common area where there was a lot of activity..eating, homework, some guy was reading a story over the intercom...i remembered i was suppose to talk with him but i told my self i would do it later because the story was a good one........I kept walking down a hall and saw something bad happen and i pulled out two 45 pistols from my shirt these were more plastic than real it i kept digging in my pocket looking for a real i used the fake ones with no results....i ended up causeing a pause in the action though and then the scene changed......
I was now next to a wall made of railroad ties and it stopped a dirt road......around me was mountains/high ridge...i was in a valley of sorts........there were old style wood buildings around ....trees and the like....there was a wagon near me made of wood - horse drawn - old timey - too boys or young men and then another man who was interested with what was in the wagon. inside the wagon was a dead man wrapped up like a mummy.....the man was searching him and got a few thing....he wanted money or ohter stuff money stuff.....he got down and then went back...that is when the boys started telling him to leave the dead man alone....he thought he found gold or something and jump in the wagon seat and stole the whole thing. people yelling to stop it but he did not get far because another group on horses, bandits, stole it from him........they went up a mountain road some on horses and one on the wagon....(no I have not seen or read any westerns lately) I jumped over the wall and there was like a low area next to the i back up and all kinds of people were yelling and trying to get ready to go after the wagon for some pistol did not work...i could not get the triggers to work........
so i through them down and about this time i starting saying something like are not going to jude....i said a few more no you are not stuff as i raised a flint lock rifle. I shot it twice without reloading mind worked....the driver came tumbling down the side of the steep hill towards me. but he was not hurt.....however in dream size he was huge and i was small......he ran right past me....i looked at him and could not believe my eyes at his size......he crossed a little creek and up a bank on to railroad track and try going to his left but there was a guy in a army police type uniform coming at he turned to his right and tried to run past the guy in the same outfit coming from that direction.....he was caught....and they brought him to me....huh? the soldier police as big or bigger....he is huge and so when they get to me i am trying to twist his arm and him to fall on the ground to sit on top of him. as soon as i have his arm the soldier/police guy walks away.....and the jude guy is on the ground and i say that when he is out of jail we will start a orgainzation that helps children.
then this woman leans in and says the angel says to have an symbol of an almond tree....then the guys starts yelling he sees the angel....and then i see the angel and it looks like a child in a one piece dress that is dirty giving each of us the thumbs up.
I hear groaning behind me and i turn and see a mother and child...the mother is very sad and the child's head is hurting....i reach over with my left hand and wrap it around the girl child's head and say be at piece and she is but not healed....i have now let go of the guy but my legs are tightly wrapped around his waist....he grabs someone standing nearby who has oil and pours it on her head and i reach back over and say in Jesus name and the child is healed...he says better with the oil.....I now notice that the sence is changing as this is going on because we are under a white tent wearing white clothes sitting on a white fabric flooring with food spread all around....this one lady near me had sit in some of the food which looked like beans.....i had let go of the guy and he was trying to help others in the tent........this is the point where the dream fades and i wake up..................
its longer...i left of minor details but this is the basic.......
thanks for reading....
see ya
I do believe a lot of this is symbolic...but i have had a lot of dream on healing children.....i read the book of jude....and i read about the symbol meaning of the almond tree.......there might be something to this.......i hope................
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hi. Was reading bible tonight. The lampstand had a almond design when Moses was good to make it. For what ever reason I thought of this old dream.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry
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Post by sigmon2 »

Found this,
Ps. 27:5 in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry