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Repost Warning of an earthquake in the medical field.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:13 pm
by steadyone
Hi friends once


I was traveling and ended up in this little town. I went to give blood and this lady who worked in this medical office was telling me they were looking for a new building on this mountain made of dirt and rock but mostly rock, and I said to her in a warning, " do not move on this mountain for it will shake and tumble to the ground. The medical office did not take heed and they were at the top of this mountain and they were looking for a place. I went up this mountain and saw them. I went to them again and said," please do not buy this office on this mountain for it will shake and tumble to the ground." I went down below in the valley and there was a horrible shaking in the earth and I was scared for those I warned to come down and not buy a medical office on this mountain and I began to weep for them praying they were safe. They were safe a part of the mountain came tumbling down but they were okay. Then everything was quiet and another shaking took place and the mountain leveled the valley and I woke up.

I could use insight.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:40 am
by Poetic Seer
Grace & Peace:

When I read this dream, a scripture came to mind: "this is the law of the house; upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy. behold, this is the law of the house" Ezekiel 43:12

It brought to mind, Moses going to the top of the mountain of God to receive the law while the children of Israel stayed at the base of the mountain (valley) where they could not come near the mountain. The mountain quaked & shaked.

In essence, Moses represented to the people as priest/prophet who was holy before God & brought healing/deliverance to the people. Judgment begins first at the house of God, especially to those who are in hight places (those in authority). There will be a shaking to see who will stand; who is standing holy before the Lord.----while others will fall in judgment. Are they truly sent by God or are they for hire? God knows the heart.

You are an intercessor, standing in the gap; praying for those in high places. ---A watchman on the wall trying to warn the people of impending danger.

I pray this helps. God Bless.