" Goodbey Julie"

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" Goodbey Julie"

Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

some background.

My mom lives in a nice but tiny apartment about 30 miles from here. Its at times been a refuge for me..a place to rest when sick or get away for a few days.Its in her name.

For a long time she has shared this place with her long time boyfriend. He is a lawyer and has money/. The reason they dont marry as they have been together for about 30 years and he buy her a nice home eludes me. I do think he helps take care if her in a lot of ways as my mom no ,longer works and retired because of a disability that happened about 10 or so years ago.
Lately he has some serious health issues. His Blood pressure has sky rocketed and mom has been worried and does not lie to leave him for long.
The dream.

I was in a apartment. It was small but had two bedrooms. There seemed to be a balcony out back and i could go out and see ocean swells. There seemed to characters" as neighbors that i could talk to and see from time to time like one would see on a sitcom. It was a older like apartment .

Suddenly mom has moved. Its a nicer,,cleaner more upscale place. But its smaller. Only one bedroom.
Mom is telling me about a strange man living across from her. He is suppose to be a professional smart guy but in her presence mom saw him making odd movements with a broom and just acting weird.

I think they were like one story up and under them was a man and a young girl for neighbors.

I was upset there was no extra bedroom. Bill.moms boyfriend said he couldn't afford one or something like that..and that he was paying for this apartment.
There just wasn't going to be much room for me.
I saw mom and Bill looking at me sitting together and i think i heard mom very nicely say " Goodbye Julie

thats it.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

One Bump!Anything??
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I belive almost one year later im starting to see this come to pass...At least it seems so.. :(
Four Years
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Post by Four Years »

what is happening now at this time?
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

My mom is going through a rough time...GRANTED. Her mom died almost two years ago and her brother a few monthes ago. She is emotionally exhausted.

But i have seen and picked stuff up for about two years now and its excelerasted.

My mom would pome through town and visit my brother and sometimes my oldest daughter and take them out to eat. I not to often would know till after the fact or find out on my own. My mom COULD have if motivated called and set up a time to vsiist. She alwaye ssi 'busy" and tpo hurried.

We dont do much togther as mother and daughter. We used to. I rarely hear from her on the phone. She no longer invites me to do the things we once loved. When i call about a problem she will lsiten but i hear her get tired and she will say she needs to get off.

Its subtle. She just isent "there" like she was. She seems more inclined to be with Bill her compoanion and when she visits to see my grandkids then me. Its not a overt dilibrate unkindeness and i dont hink she sees it.

But i do.
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Post by MJ »

Dear Jewels:

I was sad while reading your last post...how your mom and you have drifted apart. This also happened to my mother and me---she would rather talk to Pychics and such nonsense than her Christian daughter (me). Now she is in a nursing home after suffering two strokes and several heart attacks. I've been very burdened for her soul, but, our last conversation she told me Jesus told her to follow him and that her soul was safe. That was a comfort to me since I felt that the Lord told me He would go and get her and bring her back in (I suppose He means into the fold).

It's hard when we come to this point in our lives and people close to use drift farther and farther away. My mom's home had always been a place of refuge for me but in the last eight years we didn't have as much in common. I don't think I'll ever know all the reasons why our relationship eroded, but God does and someday I am sure He will make it all plain for me.

I thought your dream meant a shifting and a change for your mother and for you also since the apartment took on different characteristics. Maybe that's not all bad...unfortunately I don't have much by way of interpretation.

I do pray peace for you and your mom and may God reveal His plan for you and your family.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Tthank U MJ.

My mother has exsperinced two losses of her own. This Oct 13th it wil lbe two sence her own mother died in a nursing home, Grandma was not in her right mind perhaps a couple of years before that so in a sence my mom hasent had her mom around for maybe 4 years,
Her only brother was diagnosed with Cancer after grandma died, But it seemed the cancer was under control and mom ( being the oldest out of 4 siblings,,,, thought he was going to be ok,,at least around for awiele,,,, so there would bea long goodbey.

He got complications i think from a surgery and he went down hill fast, He died much sooner then thought. This has been maybe two monthes ago.

My mom is active and resoulant but she has a affinity for new age books,,, psycics and such,. We have talked about this and i have warned her but though we would agree to disagree our relationship stayed stable.There was a wierd thing at my daughters wedding about a month ago..she got up and toasted and said something about Venus and other stuff,,, my husbund heard it butr didnt know who made the toast,,he asked me " who was the witch that made that toast"... thats how odd it sounded... ' i said my mom!".....

I dont know but have wondered if the intense spiritual cleansing of my own life through deliverence ministry may ina funny way caused this "continital drift"., IN deliverence thetre is much one renouces in the way of famil;y and genereational sin. IT may only be a theory but the spirits whithin family that has those peopel bound could be retaliating against me by casuing this, Ialso am having the4 same problem with my oldest daughter.

If its the price to paid for getting delivered and seeing one of the greatest desires of my heart fully manifested ,,then its what will be.

Again..it maybe more of a natural thing,,, im only thinking here.

I do miss her. She does nto call me,,when i call she will talk then wanto get off quicker then i like or as the other day got another call on another line and took that but didnt bother to call me back. WE used to this time of year go shopping ,,out to eat garage saling,,,ext..... but she hasent brought the subject up.

IM glad i was warned... ill do what i can to try to keep connected top her,,but like a piece of drift wood on a current of the sea just seems to be slowly drifting away....... :|
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

For those who understand.
My grandma died errily on Oct 13th two years This comming )cOct 13th was a Eastern star( her grandfather i finally found out by asking the right questions was a mason,,, who se name was Ben( my sons namned that but i did not mean to name him after this man as i dont think i even knew of this long passed realitive but now know why grandma was so pleased i chose the name of Ben),, assslinated with freemasonary I really dont know how deep she was in it but there were representives fromn that organsation at her furnereal.
mom started to exsperince some vague parnaormal activities after grandmas death. Just odd things but they wernt real intense and they i think stopped.

My uncle was a mason. Again i have no idea how deep he was in it.HE HAS RECENTLY DIED...> I did not know him well,

Through Aslans place a and a place called his cupe cafe and a Prophet i had the chance to pray with thease three deliverence minsitries God has given me the lovely oppurtunities to go through indepth renucations of all occult activity known and unknown. So im not afraid of this as i have gone through the deliverence process but my mom has not and she is the eldest.

I still love my mom., I belive she still loves me... but something isent right. :(
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Post by discerning »

IT may only be a theory but the spirits whithin family that has those peopel bound could be retaliating against me by casuing this
Jules, it's not retaliation....these spirits are avoiding [the Jesus in] you because they are afraid. Press in, sis, continue to stand in the gap for those you love. You've got the enemy on the run....be encouraged!


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I hope its that .... as that leaves me with a reward and not just plain me.
My daughter Autumn dosent call( unless she needs money or call back and has a wierd way twoards me ( and Autumnis doing very werll now but i know is not living for God.
It hurts to be alone.... Even Eden who lives at home with me seems argumative and difficult to get along with.

Ben,, who yet wont speak,,i seem closest to,\ Its like we exsist in a world of the spirit and of the unseen and somehow he knows,,, i think,,,, that there is someone fighting for him . How can u be close to one that wont yet speak to u?Somehow we seem so tied together,, When Ben gets mad its rare and i know its usually really is not his reall self.,..My mom and girls are more conciousely aware ,, thus the sting,,

Im having a depressing time right now,,, dont mind me. Ill be alright.