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Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:47 pm
On last night I had a dream and I know the Lord was speaking to me during the dream. I recall being at home and it was the middle of the night and this guy came by my house and spent a night. It wasn't like we were intimate or anything. Then he got up and went to move is car that was parked ackwardly in my driveway and my son followed after him and sat on the porch to wait. As I went to the door to get my son to come in the house because it was cold this older lady walked on the porch and told me God sent her to tell me he wanted to see me in church. I was confused by the statement because I was in church. I was frustrated and kept speaking with the lady to find out what she meant. I also had a question for her. "I said if God tells me he wants me to shut in and pray and my Pastor wants me at church then what should I do" Then my Pastor appeared out of no where and said "You should listen to your Pastor and get the word you should be praying about then pray"

This a dream filled with many things as I have been seeking the Lord about not being so BUSY and having time to spend with him. Ministry is work and sometimes we lose focus on the reason and purpose we are really apart of ministry and in the vision this is what I wanted to refocus on. The lady who had spoke to me never said anything. I recall their were seven people who came to my door with this lady and once she delivered the word they all left.

Next I was in a unfamiliar church with a childhood friend (this was not my church) and I recall the sciptures the Pastor was teaching on Isaiah 51 and Obadiah 5. I know I was at this new church and my friend and I wear making coffee, tea or something and the Pastor was waiting on us to finish.

It was just so much in this dream and I know it was sent by the Lord. As I just left out of prayer from reading the above scriptures and my heart was touched and comforted. Please pray and share anything you get. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:15 pm
by sheep
Hi Seer,
I believe that the dream speaks of the a false guilt you maybe experiencing about not being at church whenever there is a need. The woman brings false accusations against you and the paster reign forces that. We all need to take time for God and for ourselves to recharge. The childhood friend at church could represent church before being overloaded with responsibilities which may have taken the fun out of ministry.

Deregard what doesnt witness.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:22 pm
by pilgrim
Have I got this right? 7 is completion and 8 is new beginnings! Any help?
love Sue

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:21 pm
Yes you are right.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:38 am

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:00 pm
by pilgrim
This is my personal opinion but I think you should listen to God first, we have to submit to authority in church out of respect but always God comes first so if the Lord (be sure it is Him) tells you to do something in a certain way and it is confirmed in the word, do it even if no-one else is getting the same calling.

I have been learning so much about this. My walk with God is not always accepted by most Christians but the Lord confirms to me that He wants my obedience and loyalty, for me to trust Him even when it is hard because no-one (or not many!) understand. I follow Him wherever He leads cos He is the Good Shepherd and He knows the end from the beginning!

Big love to all and Happy New Year - 2008 - the year of new beginnings/open doors - woohoo! YES!

One lesson He has been teaching me - when the 'church' and its people accept, want, and really love me, they will have stepped into Jesus' unfailing and sincere love. Then the power comes! (I dont mean this in an arrogant way, I just realise that I can be classed as not as important, not as acceptable, not as lovely, yet He sees me and loves me!) :D Each of us represents countless thousands of others who are rejected or unloved....

love Sue