Lot of roaches in Grandma's house living room

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Lot of roaches in Grandma's house living room

Post by Hija-Mia »

I had this short dream very early in the morning:

I was in my grandomother's house ( she is actually dead long time ago) and I was looking at the rooms. I was like visiting the house and I open each room and noticed all the old furniture but in good condition: I saw the chest and a candel holder...both furniture were antique and the color was cream with gold details. I also saw a big picture frame of my grandmother with her grandchildrens. (the picture never existed in real life) The picture was in the bedroom wall and I clearly saw my grandmother with me in her lap as a baby girl. I also recall that I counted 4 bedrooms, but in real life the house only had 3 bedrooms.

Then I went to the kitchen and when I returned to the bedroom I saw a lot of roaches in the living room floor. I then took an insect pesticide product ( Raid) and began to spray to kill the roaches. I close the door of the bedroom and tightly closed the windows. I did not want the roaches to enter the bedroom. I was in the bedroom with my kids and then I decide to spray Raid in the doord borders to avoid the roaches to enter in the bedroom.

This is what I recall of the dream. Since the dream was so vivid, could you please help me interpret it. I believe it has a message from God.
God Bless you!!
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Post by budhabee »

hi hija mia

did you ever have spiders in any of your dreams. My son had one with black widows. Then he woke up and realized he had been bitten on the ring finger on his left hand. So I told him that Grandmother Spider woman had an interest in him. I told him maybe she is mending a huge hole in his life. (it wasnt a black widow but a lttle house spider. Course in the dream he saw it as a black widow.) The huge hole was his unemployment. He had been looking for 3 months. After the spider dream he was called in for an interview (which was only the second time he had been called for an interview. The first interview he had was over a month ago. He had submitted his resume to over about 100 places or more and the guys who he first interviewed told him he had the job but unfortunatly the company dropped the position. So after the spider dream he got called in for another interview.
he got the job. WOO HOO

Anywho....I hope somebody can decifer that dream for you.

So anyway I went to bed that night and dreamed a huge tarantula was trying to climb out of the cup i was holding. He would get about two legs over it and I would shake the cup so he would lose his grip and fall back down in the cup.

I am thinking that his telling me about it was the catalist for my dream. Oddly enough about the turantula climbing out of a hole.............ok ok a cup. lol
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Post by Jen »

Grandmother Spider woman

please explain?


Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch
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Post by Hija-Mia »

God Bless you!!
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Post by Jubilee2 »

Hi Hija-mia,

I think it has to do with generational issues that needs to be addressed. That's the reason your grandmother is in the dream, and also your children are represented. There are generational issues in every family, both blessings and curses; well, roaches are certainly not a blessing. The good thing is that you were eradicating them. Praise God! :)



Post by Bella »

Hi Hija-mia

Yes, I got the impression it's something you're already addressing [a generational issue] rather than something which still needs to be addressed.

Please use your own discernment on that tho!

Bless you