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A vision of a child bound and the prince of the air.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:47 am
by steadyone
Blessings to you.

As I laid down I started to drift off to sleep. Before I went into a deep sleep I went into a vision. I was in the air taken to this church and as I looked down I saw a young girl about 9 or 10 she had brown skin dressed in a pretty dress. This little girl had her head down in shame and she was crying. What was interesting was all of a sudden I was given her eyesight by the spirit being that was with me. I saw what she saw and she saw that she was tied up in a rope and she was in bondage or taken captive. I was saying out loud, " little girl you are not tied up but you think you are tied up" ,she could not hear me. I could see the way she saw herself and I could see where there were no ropes tying her up. It was strange it was as if I could see both aspects. But then it was almost like my eyes were seeing yet another dimension and I heard a voice say look closer and all of a sudden I saw like air particles that were dark it was almost like the air we breath only it was dark particles and it was hovering over the girl I had to look even closer to try and see what it was and I heard a voice say to me this is the prince of the air hovering over this child making her see what is a lie that she is tied and bound when in fact she is free.I thought to myself wow this prince of the air is subtle and I would not have seen the prince of the air if the angel of the Lord did not reveal it. Then I drifted off to sleep.

Any insight ?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:40 pm
by WaitingforHim
Seeing that the Lord is going to start to use you or already does use you in the prophetic realm of revelation.....He will give to you prophetic insight as to where the church is spiritually and what needs to happen to bring freedom in the areas that she wrestles with. Also seeing that the Lord will use you on a personal level with people as well, possibly with children or youth. The problem with the church that you seen in the vision is that their minds need renewed to see themselves as the Lord sees them..The Lord revealed to you the plan of the enemy which was to blind the church from seeing who she really is...You have a word of knowledge for this church/youth in the church, that will set them free...Pray for the Lord's timing and how you should apply this.

You have an amazing gift given to you by the Father..I pray that God would cover you and keep you close to Him and bring you to where you need to be ..You are a blessing to the body of Christ and will be used of the Lord mightily. To God be the Glory!

Love and Prayers.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:18 pm
by steadyone
Thanks and many blessings to you.

Yes the Lord already uses me very much in the prophetic and in the revelation He has bestowed upon me.

This is the deal, I met a lady from Finland at church the other day there was a connection in the spirit and she had some issues that I prayed over her for. I sensed there where allot of things going on. Well then yesterday I laid in the Lords presence and began to drift off then I had this vision well then this lady calls me and asks me if we could get together and pray.

You see the little girl in the vision was foreign. Humm will be praying into all of this.

Thanks beloved one of God. You are a blessing to the body already and our beloved has increased the anointing on your life, you will be walking in the greater gifts placed upon you that you thought you never had. You shall see it come forth.

Get ready!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:29 pm
by WaitingforHim
Yes, I believe this may be personally for her then..if this is who you were praying for before hand and had this experience with..what a blessing you will be to her life...God is so He orchestrates our lives the way He does and brings certain ones into our lives to help us and bring us to the next level...powerful. :)

Thank you for allowing me to give you what I felt the Lord was showing to me in your dream. You are a very blessed saint.

love and hugs.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:21 pm
by steadyone
God is good! I praise Him so much.. he loves us and does not want us to stay where we are so we he brings people to help pray with us and love on us etc.

Yes interesting how I would have this vision and then she calls me the day of the dream.

Please keep me in prayer as I will meet with her tonight with another friend. I desire to know His heart and to be able to see in the three dimensional ares in the spirit over her life. I so long for her to be free.

Be blessed sister... :D

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:26 am
by ditte3
Peace be with you.
Wonderful vision.My first thoughts.
The Lord shows you that there are christians who struggle with such things in church.
Because the enemy attacks us.He wants to destroy us.But we cling to the Word of God.We trust the Lord.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,but against principalities,agains powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places."(Ephesians6,12.)

I think maybe there is a child in your vision,because maybe she symbolizes children in Christ,who are young christians,but it may be literal too.
We all struggle with the enemy,but for "young" christians it is more hard,because they are not strong enough.
Lets pray for them and for the church to be strong.

If these are not what the Lord tells you,please toss them.

God bless you.:)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:44 pm
by piano
Hi steadyone,

I have been praying about this dream.
I also dreamed of a young girl I thought was 9 years old with medium-dark complexion. Maybe 5 to 7 days ago?
She had dark hair and a dress on.

She appeared after an elderly man fell to the ground and I went to call 911, in his place.

Still interested in your visit with friend..facinating.


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:56 pm
by steadyone
I met with this lady from Finland last night and asked her what happened within the age of what I saw in the dream and it was the age where some horrible things happened to her. My friend and I prayed for her and the Lord just showed up. There was a shift in her life that took place last night it was wonderful. God is sooooo good!

Thanks for the prayers.


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:41 pm
by piano
Yes He is. :) Thanks for the report.