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Helping out in IC unit, yellow cap in school

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:26 am
by Godlyvibe

I dreamt i walked into a hospital in the IC unit. I didnt understand why i was there because in the dream i was a qualified teacher & had my own students. As soon as i walked in I immediately saw the need for doctors to help out becoz the patients were coming in. I felt i was in training while helping out, no-one had asked me to pitch in and lend a hand, no-one also looked at me funny or questioned my being there, especially that i wasnt qualified for being a doctor, i just volunteered and found that everything came to me naturally and was easy for me to help out.

I then went to front reception to ask for something. I saw a very good looking young man sitting at front reception & talking on the phone. I wanted to get his attention to ask him for something as well i wanted to see what he looked like becoz i was attracted to him. He didnt even look at me or aknowledge i was there.
I then turned & looked further around the reception desk & saw another young man, very handsome. He was some sort of doctor & he was starring at me trying to get my attention. All of a sudden a peace came upon me & within me that i was meant to partner up with this doctor in the job i was to do.

I then went into a corridoor and found a lady dressed in a black gown, & she was paralyzed. I was supposed to help her onto the wheelchair. She was very heavy & large. After she saw me frustrated she helped me out by getting on her feet and sitting in the chair on her own. One of the head doctors saw this & said, "how did you get on your feet? your crippled & cant walk". He was shocked as much as i was.

The next scene i found myself in a classroom with all these other people & we were doing activities & we had to reach our hands in a bag and pull out a piece of clothing that had one stripe of colour on it. This colour indicated what group you would be allocated to. The colours were Green, Blue, Red & Yellow.
Everyone had picked their piece of clothing, i remember people that had t-shirts, some had wristbands, others had shorts, pants.
It was my turn to pick out a clothing piece and i had pulled out a hat. It was a black cotton hat with a yellow stripe.

Everyone had all the other colours except yellow. Also everyone was in pairs and i was on my own. I saw everyone being allocated to their coloured groups. I then left, placed the hat on my head & walked in the courtyard of a school. I was the only person in this school with the yellow colour and it gave me the power to oversee what everyone was doing. Like a principal. That one colour gave me the power & was the only thing between me & these people.

I began to walk around in humbleness not pride while wearing the hat. I saw groups in session in the classes & courtyard. I saw my church pastor, i saw our praise & worship pastor also, they were outside teaching a group of people on a small hill.

I then began to feel like i needed to go to the toilet, like i was busting. I saw the nearest toilet block outside, but me being an adult if i was to do my business in those toilets all the kids outside would see me. I walked past another leader in our church who takes care of travel & international department in our church, i saw him take care of a younger group of kids & they were doing a sport activity.
I waved at him & walked off, i knew the only adult toilets i could use were on the opposite side of this school building.

Thats all. Sorry its soo long, i wanted to add all the details i possibly could.