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I shot up in the air like a rocket....

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:18 pm
by Manassehs_Warrior
I had a dream last night, there were a few parts to it, but one part was this:

THe setting was my middle school for some reason (where I attended grades 5-8th) in an area that served as both the cafeteria and also a stage for band concerts and stuff. My one pastor was there and some people and also the elder of the church. The elder looked at me, smiling, and said something to me... I cannot recall what but it was something positive and encouraging.

And then I shot up in the air, kind of like a rocket! Not floated but just shot up at a decent speed. I know I went higher than what the ceiling height had to have been but it was a dream so.... ok ;)
I went way up and the others below saw me and I think were smiling and laughing, this was all good, not something anyone (including me) was afraid of.

I felt like Superman; the sensation was really cool.

Any Spirit-led insights? I am hoping this means I will go to higher places in the Spirit.... but I always am interested to hear what others have to say.