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improvising uniform

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:25 pm
by connie
Good morning everyone. Lord bless you.

I'm looking for some input on the following dream. Note: the dream events seemed so real that I thought the event actually occured.

In the workplace: I was walking out of my office when the front office manager quickly walked past me. As she was walking, she said she didn't have any extra uniforms for her bellmen. I suggested she check the Uniform Closet as there might be some suitable uniforms from other departments which she could borrow. She seemed to be embarassed (her face was red) and somewhat frantic. Neither of us actually stopped to have a conversation- just an exchange of information as we passed each other in the hallway.

Next scene: Again, I was walking out of my office and saw the bellman walk past me wearing an improvised uniform. He was wearing plaid trousers. The trousers were charcoal gray with a subtle black plaid pattern. The plaid pattern (boxes, word choice?) was in large squares. I thought to myself 'that's a nice pair of pants'. I would wear those pants to work. I wondered whose clothing he was wearing?

Thank you,

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:42 pm
by discerning
Hello c. What stood out to me here is your use of the word 'bellman' as opposed to 'bellhop'. The former holds an office, the latter serves as escort and assists with luggage (burdens). Interesting play on words, eh?

What I'm hearing is *outside the the box* along with *look to the hills*

Wonder-full dream. Continuing in prayer and looking forward to seeing how this plays out.


Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:05 pm
by keilani
Because you mentioned borrowing uniforms from another department, my thoughts was along the lines of cross-training people and in the result something new (a position) would be created (an improvised uniform speaks to me of creatively creating something new). Wondering if this is wisdom for what will come...

closet--place where things (here what is needed) are stored

clothes--covering, here seems indicative of position/responsibility

Seems like the clothing is significant and although I would usually associate black/grey in a not so good context, you like the pattern here and wouldn't mind having some... wonder if you will be in charge of THIS something new? I'm in a mental box regarding these colors here so I need to be stretched a bit and as discerning said, I'm also looking forward to how this plays out! Shalom :D

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:45 pm
by discerning
Really likin keilani's offering here.

keilani, black (to me) generally respresents authority. And while gray often respresents a mixture of truth/lies (white/black) in this scenario I see it as a maturing/growing process insofar as it relates to the bellman/bellhop. That the dreamer finds it 'nice' and is willing to wear the pants to work speaks to me of humility, a standard of leadership.

The plaid black/gray *uniform* appears to me to be a warrior in who is being led by example. That the front office manager was embarassed seems to be an encouraging sign.


Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:50 am
by spiritledd
I believe gray speaks of humility. A real servants heart. Not trying get attention out of works. Square speaks to me of the Holy of Holies... this is where the presence of God dwells :)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:09 am
by keilani
ahhh mahalo discerning that was a big help! So I've been pondering, if gray is wisdom/maturity, maybe black here is that which is new or young (ie in terms of hair color symbolizing age).

The gray slacks being the base--the wisdom/maturity of the pants (mantle/responsibility that has been worn for some time already). The black plaid (as discerning mentioned plaid's origin is blanket or mantle) maybe a newer mantle being placed over that mantle/responsibility that already exists. So like a mantle upon a mantle, a new level of anointing to meet the new level of responsibilities....

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:46 am
by piano
Hi connie,

Very lovely interps. I can only speak from my own experience in dreams what plaid means. Please discern and discard if needed, because it is not like the rest.

Plaid represents something similar to a fence in my dreams, as in a chain link fence.

These are large squares, so more visibility and the pattern is subtle...vague lines drawn...hard to tell one is imprisoned?
Or the lines are fading...

This is just symbolism Ive gleaned from my own dreams. I am pretty certain there is not one of us that would want to be fenced in, spiritually or otherwise.

Plaid has ancient origins, found on a mummy 3,000 years old.

Douglas Clan Tartan is Grey with Black plaid.

Douglas meaning Definition: From the Gaelic "dubh" meaning black and "glas" meaning water, this surname was usually used to refer to someone who dwelled by a dark stream.

I see these kids wearing the scottish tartan pants and think about when real punk rock was alive and well.
They actually call the pants with strips of leather and zippers on them scottish bondage pants.
I do see black as rebellion quite often in my dreams as well.
Grey seems as worldly business orientated to me.
I also see it sometimes as what a shadow would be...
If that makes sense to you.

So anyways, sometimes carrying others luggage really does feel like bondage, and some burdens are much heavier than others.

Peace to you and discard what doesn't fit,


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:06 pm
by connie
Wow! Thank you everyone.

I did prayerfully read the posts earlier but have not had time to reply.

I will post later today.

Bless you all

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:59 pm
by piano
Hi connie,

discerning brought out the term bellman which I believe is significant.

Another word for bellman is "Town Crier"

I really believe this person could be a prophet.
It would make sense to want to carry a messege, the question remains, sometimes a messege is not well received, as many prophets have experienced, and also, is the messege something that is improvised
improvise: invent, compose or perform with little or no preparation.

This uniform came from the closet: something that has been hidden away in storage that is brought back into use.

I see panic and fear from the manager, but you have peace and calm. You are observing this unfold, by and by.

So what is the messege..
Is it improvised (out of fear?)
Is it a messege of warning of (announcement) of up-coming bondage not unlike the O.T. prophets?
Something else-- Like Pauls preaching while in prisoned...

Im trying to be clear without writing a book here.

I do believe this has distinct meaning, for your discernment, and any other imput.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:51 pm
by bjcollin

This dream to me basically shows that the front office manager co-worker is anxious about a certain situation in her life or project at work that is being improvised and is being put together in a not so uniform fashion like she would normally like it to be. The second scene of the dream to me basically says that the final presentation that the (bellmen=public service) public will see while not totally uniform will still be presentable and show dignity no matter who it came from.

Hope this helps

in Christ,

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:43 pm
by connie
Again, a big thank you to everyone who contributed. I have to say, everyone of you has discerned a portion of truth.

One week after this dream, we (department managers) received a Memo that our immediate 'go-to' manager (the Director of Operations) had been promoted to a new 'office' (discerning :wink: ) effective that very day. He is now managing his own property. The Lord has been speaking through me to the Director of Ops for the past 2 years. He has matured. I frequently hear him speaking the exact 'words of wisdom' which the Lord spoke through me. Little does he know that he's speaking the word of the Lord :)

In the career ladder, the front office manager would be next in line for his postion however at present, she lacks the experience, knowledge and maturity. She was drawn to me since she was first hired about 5 months ago. She has come to me many times for guidance and I have given her pearls of wisdom.. In part, I feel that the casual exchange of information between us in the dream is the Lord cautioning me to withdraw myself from being too friendly and open with her & not to solve her problems. Primarily, to 'not cast my/His pearls before the swine lest they turn and rend me..again'. I have been praying for her a great deal.

Her response to our 'boss' vacating his position was fear, insecurity and sadness because she knows she is in need of much more training and teaching from the D-Ops. The fear was immediately followed by ambition- stating she's going to apply for the position- we had just read the e-mail about 1/2 an hour earlier. :lol: I made a comment to her, in a teasing/joking manner, which caused her embarassment.

Piano: the 'town crier', hmmm, I think you have picked up on a season of trials, of tribulations which will and is occuring now that the Director of Ops is no longer present to act as a 'buffer' between 'us' department managers and between 'us' and the General Manager. The D-Ops facilitated communications (the town crier) between the departments and there is a concern that the unity/team work will fall apart with his departure. (thank you to the one who mentioned the plaid fabric being woven 2 by 2=unity) The GM is pleasant and friendly but is also a major control freak. He gives directions/commands without a full understanding of circumstances... he doesn't really want to know or hear about the ongoing challenges and problems in each department.

Along with the departure of the D-Ops, the HR manager also accepted a promotion and so we now have 2 key, 'upper management' vacancies. Both of these positions have been influential with the GM and have acted as 'go betweens' (with positive and negative outcomes at times). I have a strong sense the GM will not fill these 2 vacancies until sometime near the end of January- saving some labor dollars. Our business slows down from December to Febuary.

At present, all 6 of us department managers and the GM will be improvising.. as we each must take on the extra duties of the D-Ops and the HR manager while developing a direct work relationship with the GM. I have been doing my own HR for the past year so it's not a big adjustment for me as it will be for the other managers. I also have more frequent interactions with the GM and a friendly work relationship with all the other department managers .. I feel that the Lord desires to have a more direct influence on the GM and it will very likely come through His Spirit within me. Prayer would be most welcome.

I wanted to mention that IRL the new Bellman reminds me of one of the palace guards which stand outside of Buckingham Palace :). He stands very erect, has an aura of dignity and is very serious. In the dream, the trousers appeared to be women's pants. There was a roundedness to the hip area which was not filled out by the bellman's straight hips.

BJ, thank you for your input. It's a blessed assurance to know the business results will 'work out' no matter who is 'wearing the pants' :)

Yes discerning, it's time to think outside the box and to rest in the shadow of the cross, knowing from whence cometh my help. I will hold these words closely to my heart in the upcoming days.

Again, thank you to everyone.

Re: gray

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:01 pm
by connie
spiritledd wrote:I believe gray speaks of humility. A real servants heart. Not trying get attention out of works. Square speaks to me of the Holy of Holies... this is where the presence of God dwells :)
Amen! and thank you. The Lord has positioned me under His mantle of humility in the workplace- a very safe place. Great peace comes when I follow His will and carry out His directions and as I do 'all as unto Him'. Like David, I desire to dwell in the House of the Lord, yes even in the Holiest place, all the days of my life.

Bless you for sharing that beautiful gem.

His Love,

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:11 am
by keilani
mahalo for the update connie! It's awesome to see how it all plays out! shalom:)