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Walking on boardwalk....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:08 pm
by Manassehs_Warrior
I was walking on a boardwalk somewhere wearing a long blouse and I felt OK. I passed another female and she pointed out to me that my blouse was not covering my behind all the way. I checked myself out and was embarrassed to see I had no pants on, and my underpants were on backwards (at least I think that's how it looked). I went to find a longer blouse to wear to cover up my backside more completely (but did not seek to get a pair of pants!).

There was another scene with Catherine Marshall in it (Christian author, was married to Leonard Marshall, Chaplain to US Senate awhile back). She and I were in a room together, like a hotel room, and she was very old. She was also naked (!) and showing me her body and how she and it had aged. ((I am like ??)). She was asking me questions about how she looked, too.

Um.... I am not sure if this is from God or from my own soul but I didnt want to be too quick to dismiss it....

Another scene where I was holding my cat and she was trying to jump out of my arms but I held her very tightly and wouldnt let her go. I was trying to find a safe place for her and would not stop walking with her until I found a place I thought was safe.

Strange dreams last night... any Spirit-led insights>?>??

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:58 pm
by talitha
This reminds me of a teaching that I heard once on the garments of the high priest - the pants are the only part that he had to put on himself; everything else could be lowered onto him, and they were the foundational piece, like underwear - so this teacher was saying that the pants were like salvation - we put on salvation by accepting it for ourselves, it covers our shame, and then everything else is put on us from above.....

anyway..... I wonder if this dream is showing you that you are lacking in some area of volition - something that you must do for yourself - that you have received something from the Lord but there is something you have not done...... see the letter to the church at Sardis in Revelation 3.......

etymology of blouse from the Online Etymology Dictionary:
1828, from Fr., "workman's or peasant's smock" (1788), origin unknown. Perhaps akin to Prov. (lano) blouso "short (wool)." Another suggestion is that it is from M.L. pelusia, from Pelusium, a city in Upper Egypt, supposedly a clothing manufacturing center in the Middle Ages.

pants comes from pantaloons
1661, "kind of tights" (originally a Fr. fashion and execrated as such by late 17c. Eng. writers), associated with Pantaloun (1590), silly old man character in It. comedy who wore tight trousers over his skinny legs, from It. Pantalone, originally San Pantaleone, Christian martyr, a popular saint in Venice (Pantaleone in the comedies represents the Venetian). The name is of Gk. origin and means "all-compassionate." Applied to tight long trousers (replacing knee-breeches) by 1798; pants is a shortened form first recorded 1840.

not sure if those will help, just throwin' them in....... :mrgreen:


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:13 pm
by Manassehs_Warrior
Wow, thanks Talitha, great insights.

I had on the underwear backwards in the dream, too.

I am praying right now to know what He might be trying to show me... and I did refer to Rev. 3 per your suggestion. I hope He shows me what I need to do because I really am not sure here.

Thank you!!!!