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Losing most of my teeth

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:54 am
by Manassehs_Warrior
I know losing teeth is a common kind of dream and ive read about it before. The thing with this dream was, I tried seeing the dentist and the girl at the reception desk seemed to think it was funny. SHe seemed amused but I was upset and very concerned, and told her how I had no insurance. My teeth were literally coming very loose and many fell out.

It was disturbing to me but also around this same time in the dream, I felt free-er and was on some kind of vacation and relieved when I found out I had more time (on the vacation) that I had originally thought. At a point I even felt glad, happy...all positive emotions. But these teeth kept coming loose and falling out so it was becoming difficult to really enjoy where I was, which seemed to be some kind of vacation place or area that IRL and in the dream, I would normally have greatly enjoyed.

I woke up feeling my teeth with my hands, because it was so real to me. And I was so relieved to find i do have all my teeth!

Have good insights but thought to share....
