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pawn shop

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:03 pm
by spiritledd
I dreamt i was at a pawn shop looking at musical instruments. I saw this beautiful stringed instrument. It was about about five and a half feet in length. It was redwood in color. I remember that i had seen it before somewhere.

This was one of a kind. It was very expensive too. It had many strings. Four strings on the neck. But it also had like a harpsichord on it too. It had upper and lower bodies the lower being larger and with a beautiful and very intricate emblem on it.

Then i saw a man who was a thief had brought it in. The pawn broker wanted nothing to do with it. It was broken... cracked at the bridge. And at the headstock it was missing the tuning pegs and was bare wood... recently stripped.

I played it... and it was so very beautiful and unique in tone though it was out of tune. I felt very sad knowing it's value and how it had been abused. I wanted to buy it and restore it. But then the thief snuk out the door with it because he been exposed of being a thief.