ocean floor

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ocean floor

Post by shine »

was at the ocean I stood up to look out, and the ocean floor looked like waves. . .there were only a few puddles of water.

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Post by shine »

weird. .
my husband was scanning around on the computer last night. . .from what the satelites (or whatever!?) show of the earth.
The way it showed the ocean floor was how my dream looked.

But in the dream, I was on the beach during the day.
I stood up, arm extended fully, pointing & excalaiming look at that.
Which is also weired, cuz I couldn't even put it together in my brain what I was looking at till a few more moments of looking.


God, how's this supposed to work anyways???
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Post by shine »

wanted to add for clarity. . . the waves of the ocean floor weren't in motion of course.
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ocean waves

Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

Let me be sure I'm understanding your dream correctly. You were looking at the ocean and it wasn't moving, but you saw ripples or waves in the water right or like dents in the water?
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Post by shine »

actually, there was no water at all, except a puddle or so.

I was looking out over the ocean floor - I was on the beach, where folks normally sit or lay to sun-tan. Another weird part was that I didn't have to look "down" to the ocean floor, it was only slightly lower than the elevation level of the beach.
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Ocean floor

Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

shine wrote:actually, there was no water at all, except a puddle or so.

I was looking out over the ocean floor - I was on the beach, where folks normally sit or lay to sun-tan. Another weird part was that I didn't have to look "down" to the ocean floor, it was only slightly lower than the elevation level of the beach.
Interesting, what were your emotions in the dream? Were you calm, relaxed, freaked out, werided out? It's odd to me because water represents life or the ability to have life, considering that the ocean was empty it could mean a lack of life. its odd to me that you could see directly to the floor of the ocean, maybe some kind of insight either to come or already come, but the two different points don't coincide with each other. of course I could be completely wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. :D
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Post by shine »

Well I seemed to be excited. . .although I had to really study it to figure out what I was looking at.

The actual clue that helped me finally realize it was the ocean floor, was the couple of puddles I saw.

Thanks for thinking thru on this with me.

Although, I really don't understand what God wants me to see here. But I saw the same shapes when we were looking on the computer. . .but that was from a satelite or something.
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Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

shine wrote:Well I seemed to be excited. . .although I had to really study it to figure out what I was looking at.

The actual clue that helped me finally realize it was the ocean floor, was the couple of puddles I saw.

Thanks for thinking thru on this with me.

Although, I really don't understand what God wants me to see here. But I saw the same shapes when we were looking on the computer. . .but that was from a satelite or something.
Okay i could really use that visual image you found on your computer, because i have no clue what your'e talking about lol.
Oh and you are welcome to whatever help i can be :D
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Post by piano »

Hi Shine,

A few thoughts for your discernemnt,

Revelation 21:1-4

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
Also there was no more sea.

Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people.
God Himself will be with them and be their God.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.

There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

I see the absence of the sea as the absence of separation/division.

This is something to be excited about!

I believe missing the sea and all its mystery on that day will be fully compensated by being with Christ and in His fullness and depth.

Discard what does not rest with you,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ditte3 »

The same verse from the Bible came into my mind.
Yet maybe it has a symbolic meaning too,like seeing the depth of things.Maybe these are just my thoughts.
Please pray about it.
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Post by shine »

Hey Piano & Ditte3 thanks for giving me your thoughts. . .which I believe are Holy Spirit led! I do believe we are in the times where the book of Revelations is unfolding.

Oh, LOL alilbitofHSSpirit - I don't think even if I could remember how to get to that satelite page, that it would help. . .cuz it was way different - the coloring, and the trajectory - yet the same for me to trigger the image I saw in my dream again. . .

Oh wow! I am sooo excited. I'm gonna have to copy 2 dreams that are recent posts. . .so I can lay them out in front of me to consider them along with this dream:
Ginasings4him "Dream of shore, boat & waterfall"
Servant's "Harp players on Sea Coast"

In my initial thoughts: I think both dreams (as well as mine) might be signifcant regarding boundaries. Huge boundaries of nations.
Our Lord & creator placed these boundaries.

GinaSings4Him - is speaking of all the changes. . .all the currents & motions.

Servants dream is the artistery/music. . .because God is all encompassing. On all levels.
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Post by ginasings4him »

Wow! It's almost as though the Lord is removing, rebuilding, shifting, things as we know them to be.

What are your thoughts about risk being involved here? That was a word for my church yesterday - being in a boat and that we were to take a risk to press in deeper for the Lord this year. I suppose that could mean different things for different people.
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Post by shine »

It will have to mean different things to different people. God made us all unique - to bring him glory! As well as we all know in part.

Soo, I did read your response the other day. Just wanted a little more time with the word Risk. But all I have is still that yes, in the tribulation period (the part we are involved in before Jesus returns), we will probably have to rely more on God & how he leads ~ out of our comfort zone! By definition it will feel risky!
Did your preacher elaborate more, that you remember?

I think the dreams are connected for depth of meaning. . .and also each one for personal unique reasons. Possibly for myself, I am a seer (which when I think it, it feels right - but when I write it out, I feel a little goofey). But, nevertheless, even when I was describing the dream, I said I was pointing (which may be the gift in itself, yet I needed to study to figure out what I was seeing. which may be a prompter to me to study more - so I'll REALLY know what I am seeing & trying to point out!

Heading over to your dream thread now :D
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Post by ginasings4him »

I think my Pastor also meant it would be different for each one of us. The word he had for us was that we would need to take a risk. We also had a word from a prophetically gifted woman in our church who said she saw a boat and elaborated more so I emailed her to email me back with what the Lord told her because it was so similiar to my dream and this is what she said:

I felt that the Lord was saying that he wanted to launch us, individually and as a church, but that many were stilled tied to the dock. I asked the congregation what was holding them back. Was it a sin? was it fear? Was it the past? I exhorted them that they needed to seek God and hear his voice because it was different for each person. One of the parts that I remember from Pastor Mike was “What would you do if you weren’t afraid to take a risk?”