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Invited for dinner

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:25 am
by Blessings
I was on some sort of campus, maybe some mission compound. I put my two youngest children to bed. Then I went to the kitchen. It was a big kitchen meant to serve a large group of people. I put a chicken in the oven. I was trying to figure out how the oven worked because the chicken wasn't cooking. There were two others there both leaders I know well. However I don't think they actually know eachother that well. As we were tring to figure it out another young man who I didn't know came into the kitchen. He told us that we had been invited by his mother for dinner at his house which was on the compound as well. Apparently it was her birthday and she was upset with him because we weren't at her house. I guess we didn't get the message. I remember thinking that was good because the chicken wasn't getting cooked. It seemed that all the other people who lived there were gone for some reason. It was a bit odd to me because I never lived on any such campus.