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Storm Imminent/Bathrug Shopping

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am
by Warrior Princess
Decided to go somewhere on a trip, there were storm/tornado warnings on the radio. The sky/light outside looked it. I realized that I had forgotten my purse and apparently a shirt and there was a car behind me that was laying on the horn, sounded right on my tail, and the nature of the sound was such that I wondered if it wasn't a siren, like a tornado siren. I turned around and went back.

I arrived at home was in one of the bathrooms, there were a few in my house, this one was all white and had a white bathrug with a peach stripe. I was excited that I was going to get to shop for bath rugs of different colors for all the bathrooms and thought maybe the peach would look good in a solid rug color in one of the bathrooms.

Went to the bedroom, it was warm and humid in the house, almost hot/sweltering, I was changing clothes, looking for shorts to put on. The light outside was as if a storm was coming. I realized I could see out my window through the neighbor's windows across the street. It was my old neighbor across the street, Shelley. Their house was under construction and parts of it tarped, part of the roof was off and I could see lots of people inside hurriedly trying to secure things because of the coming storm. I scampered into the master bathroom to get dressed, trying to sort of cover myself so I wouldn't be seen.

I had been on the phone during all of this with my friend Grant, and when I got home I put the phone down and had forgotten he was still on, sorta left him hanging.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:54 am
by GaAngel

Storms in dreams can represent upcoming trials and tribulations. You forgot your purse and a shirt (which could mean spiritual covering) so you went back home.

It seems like you will have the spiritual discernment to know that something big is coming. The siren is behind you (or what you believed to be a siren). The Holy Spirit is giving you warnings through discernment and you're picking up the hints.

You go into the bathroom, which is a place of cleansing. So, when you get this discernment, you seek Him (think about the many bathrooms), perhaps fast and do what's needed to get spiritually cleansed (think about getting the bathrooms looking just right with the rugs).

A neighor has a half-finished house, yet others are scrambling to seek shelter there. Perhaps this represents someone you know who could be stretched really thin right now, has a lot of stresses, faces the same trouble that's coming as everyone else, yet everyone goes there for help. Everyone seems to depend on this person and this person is trying to get right with God, get spiritually clean and prepare for what life is dishing at them.

However, they really can't "rebuild" themselves because others are draining their resources. Maybe that person IRL is the type who helps everyone in sacrifice of themselves. As a result, this person isn't going to shelter him/herself from the storms of life or the other people. He/she needs to focus on getting alone time and getting built up.

Maybe the dream is telling you that a rough "spot" is ahead. You discern what's coming and prepare.

If you know someone who cares for everyone else, perhaps you should communicate to them to focus on the self first in order to be a blessing to others.

Many blessings...