Rescuer...Love Story

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Rescuer...Love Story

Post by ArisenShine »

This dream last night was very bitter-sweet.
He seemed to be a policeman, but not in full uniform. He rescued a bunch of people from a house where they were held in bondage somehow, and perhaps there was some kind of abuse or slavery going on there.

I was one of those people. When all the people were free, most of them were left with mental illnesses and needed to be sent somewhere for treatment. I knew that many were robotic now(used to being told what to do at all times and lost the ability to reason for themselves), at least until further treatment.

Now I was in the passenger side of the man's car and he was driving me, supposedly, to my residence...home. I knew he assumed that I was also mentally ill, as all the rest. He felt very sorry for all the people, too...and for me.

However, I was not so overcome by the abuse that it had effected me that way....only for awhile on the outside. I was somewhat ungroomed and messy.

Now his right arm was up on the back of the seat and so was my left arm, and somehow our hands 'touched'. Suddenly he was responding to the touch, and now looking deeply at my face, and began holding onto my hand and gently squeezing it. I knew he was truly 'seeing me' for the first time.

I knew he was 'seeing' that I was normal and healthy. He further was seeing beauty (beneath my outward 'messiness')and I sensed he fell in love with me then. I sensed his passion building as he drove, holding my hand. I already adored him for rescuing hero. He was handsome/beautiful to me, too. At one point our eyes met and spoke volumes of love to each other.

I sensed an overwhelming mutual love between us and he didn't want to let go my hand as he kept driving....I sensed, too, or somehow 'knew' then that he was actually married to someone else and we could not be together....and that he was now very sad by that fact.

The scene changed and I was curious as to what sort of lady my rescuer had chosen before meeting me. I saw them together entering some function...I was behind some partition and they did not see me.

His wife was not a naturally beautiful woman, but very very covered with the glamour of the day...that is, sparkles and shiny jewels and a complicated hairdo with rolls and twists and obviously lots of hairspray(her hair was stiff/hard/in a tight, elaborate 'do'), as well as alot of makeup. They were at some 'high' social gathering, and playing the part like old pros. I was not there to judge, but to 'see' what my 'love' had chosen in his past...that kept us apart now.

I noticed she had big bone structure in her face, and knew that without all the makeup and hairdo and glamour clothing...she'd be quite ordinary if not plain and unimpressive.

So I surmised that my 'rescuer' who'd loved me had made the choice in earlier times to choose 'glamour' and sophistication over
true beauty, and though now he was saddened by it, he was bound to her to serve her.

The end.
Consider the lilies....

Post by kimibrew »

Hi Lee,
I'm going to express thoughts that might be sooo far from what this means, but would like to try, ok?

I was thinking of the man as Jesus who is so misunderstood. He loves His Bride...all aspects, the large boned, glamour, the messy, unlovely, the this and the that. If He is the Bridegroom and we are the Bride, maybe this wasn't about human love already committed, but about God's love misunderstood how He has the capacity to love more than 'one woman'.

I know in your dream it would have been inappropriate to release your love to Him, but I wonder if He's trying to open our eyes to His greater love for His Bride, but we've misunderstood and judged one another.

I think I went through this same thing on another of your dreams...I don't know if this interp. is truly for your dream, but have totally felt the Holy Spirit move in me through it, so if I missed it for you...thank you for sharing it because I got something big through it. :D

Post by talitha »

I agree with kimibrew; seeing this as a corporate dream......

however, I'm seeing the policeman as OC leadership rather than as Jesus because he didn't see you in the right light to begin with: "he assumed that I was also mentally ill, as all the rest." I think the Lord is showing you something of the condition of the Body, but also giving you revelation concerning your part in it.

and his wife is in a way the OC, IMHO.....

The scene changed and I was curious as to what sort of lady my rescuer had chosen before meeting me. I saw them together entering some function...I was behind some partition and they did not see me. (wow, this really reminds me of that part in Jane Eyre when Jane was hiding behind the screen whilst her erstwhile lover was hob-knobbing with the society ladies.....)

His wife was not a naturally beautiful woman, but very very covered with the glamour of the day...that is, sparkles and shiny jewels and a complicated hairdo with rolls and twists and obviously lots of hairspray(her hair was stiff/hard/in a tight, elaborate 'do'), as well as alot of makeup. (I think these details show things about the OC that are false..... a lot of makeup is indicative of falseness, I think and the stifflysprayed hair (which stands out to me) makes me think of those "set in their ways of thinking" not to mention bound up - complicating things that should be simple..... also I'm reminded of that scripture that talks about how not to adorn ourselves as women - it's not that braids and pearls are wrong in and of themselves - it's that the focus needs to be elsewhere - lots of revelation comes in if we think about the "women" in that scripture as symbolic of the Bride of Christ....) They were at some 'high' social gathering, and playing the part like old pros. I was not there to judge, but to 'see' what my 'love' had chosen in his past...that kept us apart now. This is why you feel less than welcome in the OC - I think that's what the Lord is showing you.....

I noticed she had big bone structure in her face (I think this is prominent for a reason - the face is the countenance, which reflects the condition of the heart - the key word is "structure"..... hmmmm...... this the opposite of the delicate refinement that is typical of a more feminine face.... too much reliance upon man's structure, which is after all just glorified flesh-works, and not enough vulnerability and receptivity....), and knew that without all the makeup and hairdo and glamour clothing...she'd be quite ordinary if not plain and unimpressive. (the "hidden person of the heart" has not been touched in all this dressing up..... sad.....)

So I surmised that my 'rescuer' who'd loved me had made the choice in earlier times to choose 'glamour' and sophistication over true beauty, and though now he was saddened by it, he was bound to her to serve her. (Very sad - definitely a matter for prayer - Lord, what am I to do, then???)

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Post by Blessings »

Arisen Shine. Have you written any books?? You certainly have the gift.
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Post by ArisenShine »

Bless you guys,

I seems corporate.

kimibrew...praise God. Glad you were able to glean something from it. Those are sweet thoughts. Not the interp, :lol: but sweet nonetheless, lol. God bless you!

I googled OC...all I'm getting is 'Orange County'...lolol. Sorry. I have some understanding of it, but forget what those initials stand for, exactly. ?
I keep forgetting to google Jane E...but if it's a book I've never read it. Most, if not all of what you shared seems right...rings true to the interp I'm getting.

There's some more, too, that I've not gotten the details of such things as..the touching of our hands, our eyes meeting, the partial policeman uniform (I didn't 'see that...just sensed it in the dream), the 'rescued people'..which I'm wondering where they have been held captive...would it be PRE-Christ, or after their even saved, but held in bondage thru false teachings?

I did feel at once, after waking from the dream, that I maybe played the roel of someone other than just me.

Dear 'blessings'...thank you for the nice compliment..praise the Lord, if He sometimes allows me to pen something good. Typing out this dream...simply 'flowed'. It's that bittersweetness which is one of the lovlier emotiions, but rare. I feel very sensitive to the things of the Spirit when in that state. Jesus feels right there w/me. It's like a brokeness, isn't it. Thinking and learning here.

As far as writing I was praying about what you said, and got an image of that portion of scripture where the cripple/lame man had tried to get into the healing waters (Bethesda?) and told Jesus that everybody else beat him to

Many times I've had specific story-plot-ideas (etc)but before I got to it...I see it in a tv movie or something. Then I have to tell myself that if it's an 'idea who's time has come'...does it matter who did it?
The spirit moves and inspires, and some are already 'in position' to get it done in a timely fashion.

Nothing is impossible with our God, however. I had a dream from the Lord once in which I had written a book and was given the precise title, which, if I ever finish my screenplay (on back burner at the moment)...I may use as it's title. :roll:

Blessings and thanks to you all, and share anything else, please...if you have more.
Consider the lilies....

Post by talitha »

oh dear - :oops:

OC = Organized Church

Post by Joy2dream »

I was getting the same as Tal pretty much on this dream.
I can also see that it may be how the leadership/authority of the organized church has been looking at the role of women in the church. Dress them up and display only. The hair/glory is stiff and not free flowing.

The leadership may be internally longing for more but cannot leave the restrictions he has in place.

Seeing this as a call for "us" to interceed.

Bless you,

Post by talitha »

Joy2dream wrote:The leadership may be internally longing for more but cannot leave the restrictions he has in place.
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Post by ArisenShine »

OC = Organized Church
Awwwww...of course! :oops:
Organization/order is not a bad thing, but when it becomes too much and resricts, hinders the Spirit from moving in our midst, then it's 'too much of a good thing' perhaps. It has become an idol?

Maybe we could differentiate between GOOD order and TOO MUCH...............TOC =Too-Organized Church?

There is so much good in some churches that one wants to focus on, yet there still are those things which you wish you could flat-out get them to change. But first you must get them to SEE. One of the occupational hazzards of being in leadership seems to be tunnel-vision, losing touch with what ordinary Christians may be experiencing.

But nobody wants to hear any negatives. If anyone challenged our pastor (after service), just nicely, that person was made to look like a troublemaker and to be avoided. (it wasn't me, btw)

If I ever feel open to becoming even less popular than I already am :lol: ...with God's help I will organize all the dreams, insights, discernings, and words I've received about the OC (including the money-changers tables and spirit of the Nicolaitans)....and ask the Lord to help me write them in a way that would not offend and cause defensiveness, but might open eyes and make a difference....without harming the wheat in the process.
the leadership may be internally longing for more but cannot leave the restrictions he has in place.
True, and sad...but sometimes it's more of a matter of 'WILL not', rather than 'CAN not'.

I really need to pray and pray hard FOR the church. I miss it, too.
And the finger points right back at me sometimes. I was part of leadership for a time, and it's easy to fall into some of the trappings.

Bless you,
Consider the lilies....

Post by talitha »

Organization/order is not a bad thing, but when it becomes too much and resricts, hinders the Spirit from moving in our midst, then it's 'too much of a good thing' perhaps. It has become an idol?
In many cases, yes..... hence the bound-up and sprayed-stiff hair.....

Hmmm..... I'm reminded of hearing someone say that women dress for each other and not for men - if they were to dress for men, they would look much different.

Now when the turn came for Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her as his daughter, to go in to the king, she requested nothing but what Hegai the king's eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her. (Esther 2:15)

LOL - Veggie Tales is on right now, and it's the story of Esther!
But nobody wants to hear any negatives. If anyone challenged our pastor (after service), just nicely, that person was made to look like a troublemaker and to be avoided. (it wasn't me, btw)

A thought - right after service is not a good time to challenge a person who's been under any kind of anointing - in that state we are very vulnerable, fragile even..... please no sucker-punches! My pastor is always willing to hear differences of opinion, especially when they are presented with scripture and thoughtfulness, but it's best to make an appointment.

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Post by ArisenShine »

Hmmm..bringing sweet Esther into it is thought provoking. And what you said (Tal) about women 'dressing for women'...makes me wonder who the woman in the dream (the wife) was dressing for? And was her style selected early on (by the man) as a so-called feather in his cap? Did he hope she would draw other women in, by her style? Did he believe that's what women want?
A thought - right after service is not a good time to challenge a person who's been under any kind of anointing - in that state we are very vulnerable, fragile even
that's so that you mention it. I haven't ever challenged something from a sermon like that...but there were things that were so far off or seemed twisted or (scripture)misused, that I left troubled about, due to no outlet for discussion.
..... please no sucker-punches! many coming from the pulpit sometimes one needed to wear a helmet to church. (sorry...I couldn't resist, lol :lol: )
That's just my experience...I know you have a great pastor.
My pastor is always willing to hear differences of opinion
In the beginning ours was, but he seemed less and less approachable later. Maybe just tired.
Consider the lilies....