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Chunk of new land appeared and fitted seemlessly.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:57 am
by labourer4Him
Hi all, putting this dream out here for confirmation/additional insight.

My husband and I were in a park, somehow felt like near a zoo (I never saw or heard any animals, it just felt like it was near a zoo) extensive parkland surroundings.
We were waiting for the landscapers that were doing up/extending the tracks through the park. We had our bikes with us but were holding them/not riding. Whilst we were standing there, a whole chunk of land appeared in front of us and was laid out/put into an already existing gap. It fitted seemlessly and we were surprised at that. In the dream I was thinking about how the landscaper must have been there before to measure it as the chunk of land fitted so well. I could see the land from the side and from the top. The side had layers, the bottom layer looked like cork-like stuff and everything was held together when the land was put into the gap. The top of the land was grassy and had three rounds in it, (like ponds but I didn't see if they had water in them or not), in a straight line at even distance from each other. The third circle had a wooden structure, like decking and fencing over or inside it(not exactly sure) made out of wooden planks. Around the three circles were gravel tracks. I noticed the three circled gravel tracks were quite close together which didn't make it a good bike riding track which stood out.. Overall the piece of land looked good and slotted right in. End dream.

Note:IRL bike riding is one of our hobby's, we do it a lot:)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:28 am
by labourer4Him
Anyone :?:

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:18 am
by Charys
This scripture came to mind as I read your dream Psalm 37:9 (all of Psalm 37 really)

But those who wait on the LORD,
They shall inherit the earth.
10 For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;
Indeed, you will look carefully for his place,
But it shall be no more.
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth,
And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

--for your discernment

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:40 am
by keilani
First t houghts is that you will be given something that will be a good fit for you and your husband. Lots of cool symbols in your dream, praying He will give you insight!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:41 pm
by labourer4Him
Thanks Charys and Keilani..
I thought that too: God is going to have a place ready for us that will be the right fit in various ways. Hubs and I are very much in a 'place of transit' so to speak. Ready to move on from where we've been for quite some time but having to wait on a couple of things. An uncertain time that God's using for me to rest in Him and be at peace whatever the outcome. Psalm 37 fits there Charys..
Because I'd been having many -what I see as warning- dreams about the place we might be going to, I'd asked God why all the warnings and if He meant we shouldn't pursue that particular plan/place.. He told me the warning dreams were not to scare me but 'to prepare me'. That's when I asked Him to give me a dream that showed me something positive about the place. This was the evening before I had this dream about the chunk of land appearing..
I'm still not getting all the symbolism in this dream though but hope that will come.. Further input welcome anyone:)

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:25 am
by jackiebauerle
Don't know if this makes any sense, but I read the landscapers jobs are to beautify. This land appeared with layers...foundations of many ministers put together. Each of them brought something to that piece of land that measure and fit just right. Interesting that you are waiting for the beautifier (landscapers) to finish laying the tracks for you???

While you wait, that is when this land expose the perfect fit and the layers. are still waiting, but the you are seeing how the landscaper must have been there before...hmm??? Is God the landscaper here??? Can you see that he has been there before???

Everything held together when it was placed in the spot.

then you saw from top, 3 circles, wood and stone. The stone was rough "tracks". Did your tracks come?

May the Lord comfort you and prepare you in Jesus name...reveal your will Lord to them...amen

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:15 am
by labourer4Him
Thanks for your reply jackie, trying to answer your question/observations..
jackiebauerle wrote: While you wait, that is when this land expose the perfect fit and the layers. are still waiting, but the you are seeing how the landscaper must have been there before...hmm??? Is God the landscaper here??? Can you see that he has been there before???
In the dream I don't see the landscaper at all. But in the dream I was thinking about how he must have been there before to take measurements,etc because it all fits so well. And we are waiting for landscapers to do up the tracks around us in the rest of the park not in the chunk of land. That chunk just appeared whilst we were waiting for the park tracks to be finished.
jackiebauerle wrote: then you saw from top, 3 circles, wood and stone. The stone was rough "tracks". Did your tracks come?
Not sure if I understand you correctly here:)
In the piece of land that appeared I saw 3 circles, one of those 3 had wood over them. And around all of the 3 circles were gravel tracks (maybe I should say gravel pathways, sorry my aussie slang coming out here:)but these tracks/paths were quite manicured like they are in a park. I never saw those gravel paths being made, they were just part of that particular piece of land and were already in place when the piece of land arrived.
No idea if those tracks/pathways were for me..? I had the feeling we were waiting for the paths in the rest of the park to be done up and then this new land appeared, so good question:which paths were for us? Or, do they come in a different format than what we were waiting for/expecting, as in the dream I also realized that those 3 round pathways were not practical for bike riding..hmm