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Series of Strange Dreams...Going Down under The Sea..

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:50 pm
by clare777
UUUHHHH..OKKK..this dream is realll strange and am not sure if its the enemy (yes, the enemy can attack you in your dreams) or if the Lord is telling me something..

The first part of the dream I wake up all of a sudden..and I have a sword in my hand and I swing it and start cutting up a lonnng worm that is in my bedroom at the foot of the bed (It looked like a long big worm but not sure if it was worm or snake..all I know is that it was black, lonnnng and skinny)..
The scene changes and I am walking through an apartment building who are apparently where my neighbors. I am looking for them and cannot find them. I walk into each apartment and it looks funky, with mold and mildew. I heard a voice tell me that they got flooded out. :roll:
Scene changes and it is real dark. I am in the ocean and there is someone with me. Then a skeleton woman comes up to me and whomever was with me and points to this old funky, house. We then dive down under that ocean and pass through a wall or something and ended up underneath the ocean. We are in this hall like place where there are tables lined up in rows with children from the ages of 5 and teenagers. They looked denomic to me (reminded me of the Passion when the demons where torturing Judas)...The man said to me, " No longer will you eat the doctrine of devils..."
Then the scene changes and I am in a forest with some other people...we had an assignment to go and look for a certain man...
(not sure who the man is..) but all I know is that we where law enforcement/military....I came a cross a book by a rock and apparently it was i was flipping through the pages, I saw names like Bin Ladin, Beastie Boys (? :roll: ?) with part of the lyrics to Watcha Want...", and some other names with dates of people and leaders..
Then I woke up...

I am not sure what this dream is about...I pray that someone here has a Holy Spirit interp...please pray about this one...

Blessings in Christ,