Bob Jones, and War in Great Britain

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Bob Jones, and War in Great Britain

Post by iluvyahweh »

In March 2007, Bob Jones appeared to me in a dream and said: "War has arrived in Great Britain. War is here. But don't worry about it, as the Government has been prepared for it, and will know what to do." End of Dream.

Any godly insight on how literal this dream is, would be most appreciated,

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Post by Moriah »

I dont have anything other than the scripture immediately sprang into my head, "the government is upon His shoulder." There is peace in this scripture! Sorry, I have no deep insight but I pray the Lord will answer the meaning of this dream to you! May God bless you!
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »


It seems that this was a "straight forward" message, i.e., no interp. needed.

I think it was a message announcing the terrorist attacks that happened in Great Britain last year. Remember, they had some serious terrorist attacks last year, and the government did act quickly and decisively in response.

I would think that the proper response to a message like this is to thank God for the message and for preparing Great Britain. Perhaps it might also be to pray that there would be minimal disruption, damage and life lost, and that God would help the government to bring the war to a swift end.

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Post by pilgrim »

I live in Wales, UK and on June 12th about, I saw several visions as I lay on a sunbed reading the Bible.

I had fell asleep and as I awoke, I saw 'the Lion roar' several times against a large cheater or leopard, (not sure which but I saw it plainly), which roared back but the Lion roared even louder and prevailed, then the lion looked into my eyes and I looked into His; a battle shield, coat of arms, and a flag flying high with the wind blowing it. I knew that these were all His and represented His stand to fight here. I then saw a huge black army of demonic shapes coming and the Lord gave me a power verse, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!"

There is and has been a spiritual battle going on here for some time, (as well as the bombings and plots mentioned), and the Lion of the tribe of Judah will prevail, He showed me that HE IS STRONGER although I must admit that the invading army looked yuch!

What I saw was later confirmed by others speaking out prophetically in Wales. 8)

I believe the Lord is jealous to get Britain back for God but the enemy is putting up a fight. The people of Britain need to join in by interceding for our countries to welcome in the kingdom of God and turn back the tide of evil that we have allowed to set up camp here.

Bob Jones is a very spiritual man so I would say that this is a spiritual battle so that is why he appeared in your dream.

Of course this is my opinion so others may see different.

Love Sue
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Post by bjcollin »

Makes sense. The cheeta or leopard is often used as a symbol of islam.

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Post by pilgrim »

Oh! Thank you BJ as I didn't know that and had been trying to find the answer!

Lovely to hear from you by the way - I ask right now the Lord to bless you awesomely my brother.
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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

Amazing visions Pilgrim! Wow.

All praise and honor to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!!!

I agree, too. I makes sense that what we see in the physical (the physical terrorist attacks) is a "picture" or reflection (mirrors) what is happening in the spiritual. I experienced something similar a number of years ago. The church I attended at the time came under a serious attack from the local government. At the same time, we could literally "feel" the oppression over the area from the spiritual battle that was going on. If you left, you could "feel" when you left the battle zone, and when you came back you could "feel" when you entered it again.

I think physical attacks are a physical manefestation of the spiritual battle that is going, including the battle for Great Britain.

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Post by pilgrim »

Hi Lily Rose Song

I like your name! :D

The Lord is blessing me through it because He showed me a couple of years ago that I was a rose opening up before Him and He said that 'I was the only beautiful thing He planted in a dark and thorny place!' (Its a long story but I was an unwanted child, born out of wedlock and grew up to being constantly told I was not good enough etc etc etc.)

My name is Susan which means 'city of white lilies', and is from Persia. As I was glancing in my Bible the other week I was so shocked and surprised to come across in Song of Songs 2: verse 2: "Yes, ... my beloved is like a lily among thorns!" (He has also called me beloved!) Not trying to boast of myself, but want to boast in Jesus because He is wonderful. :wink:

I love the way He gives us a dream or vision or a specific word and after we are shocked and delighted to get a confirmation in the Bible! 8)

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Post by Lily_Rose_Song »

((((((( Susan )))))))

Awesome!!! :D Reminds me of the verse about Jesus, Isaiah 53:2 "My servant grew up in the LORD’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground."

You've blessed me by sharing your blessing. God is soooo good!!!!!! 8)

More Hugs,
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Post by pilgrim »

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