Vicious dog attacking

Archives for 2008
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Truth Seeker
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Vicious dog attacking

Post by Truth Seeker »

These are 2 dreams I had last year one was of a vicious dog trying to attack me, I seem to be the only one around. It outside can't tell where it was but this black dog was trying to attack me and there was a little stump that I stepped on and it was low enough for him to get me but for some reason he couldn't get to me.
Truth Seeker

Post by jewel »

Truth Seeker-

I'm under the impression that your dream is in some respects talking about Isreal and how the stump was cut off but God's hand of protection was still upon His chosen people.

I believe that you are standing alone in a place of intercession for something, and it seems as though nobody else is there along your side. The big black dog I see as the enemy trying to constanlty point this fact out to you, in turn causing a feeling of being vunerable. HOWEVER, like the people of Isreal you have the hand of God over you and making sure that your protected. The stump serves as a reminder of the promise that has been given, so long as you don't loose sight of that stump it doesn't really matter if your in inercession by yourself or not.... since in all reality your not alone, God is with you.

If your spirit doesn't bear witness, then feel free to discard.
