Help with interpreting a symbol: red baseball cap?

Archives for 2008

Help with interpreting a symbol: red baseball cap?

Post by Nicolette »

***EDIT: I first posted this in the wrong forum. Moved it to this one, the correct one. Sorry.

I'm fairly new here. I found this place a long time ago and it lead me to seek out the Lord in the arena of prophetic dreams. While I'm still growing in interpreation and discernment I need lots of help with some of the things that I have trouble diciphering and afterwhile of seeing how this ministry works I really feel I could find some of that help here! =]

[I've had a dream recently (I won't go into all the details, just enough to supplement the symbol I need help with)
where a flood happens in a wealthy neighborhood that I apparently live in. The flood happened because an evil black widow spider, that used to stalk and kill my friends and I, was killed (haha, weird). After the flood I was so happy at the news
that I ran to find a guy (who I supposedly loved romantically) and tell him the good news.

I am running through the neighboorhood/town to get to him. There were people everywhere recovering from the flood and while I was running a friend of mine walked past me wearing a bright red Angel's (as in Aneheim Angels, NBL) cap. When he walked past me I stopped and thought to myself, "Is that the boy I love?", but I decided to keep running and find another.]

So the weird thing is that before I had this dream this boy, who's name is Destin, told me a dream he had where he was wearing a red Angel's cap also.

I could figure out most of his dream, but I don't know the signifcance of the cap. I dream about Destin alot and our relationship is really complicated. I grew up with him and he's really special to me and I've always loved him deeply, but we don't hardly ever talk and we're not really friends, even though we see eachother atleast three times a week, the only time we talk to eachother is at worship practice and prayer basically.

[In the dream the guy I ended up running to is my boyfriend, Justin.]

Sorry I had to put all that, but in my experience there are many many things that add up to the definition of a symbol and my personal life could probably play a role. Haha.

So I really want to figure out what that red Angel's baseball cap is. It seems simple, but I'm having a hard time with it. Any help is greatly appreciated and God Bless!
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Post by Mona »

Just posted a response to your dream under the dreams and visions section before you deleted it. Not sure if you want the interpret under the dreams and vision section. If not, then PM me and I will delete my response. I believe I was writing a response at the same time you moved it here.

Many Blessings!

Psalm 96:1
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Post by Joy2dream »

Just looking at the hat only:
The hat is a covering, protection from the elements.
It was red, could be the covering of Jesus, or wisdom, anointing, power on the positive. On the negative red can mean anger or war or stop.
The fact that it had a symbol on it could indicate that the wearer is interest in, he likes this particular team. But since it had the symbol for the angels on it and you know he is active in church and thinking you know his heart is toward God it may be that the Lord is showing you that this is where this young man Destin's head/soul is, his thoughts are on the Lord and Heavenly things.

Just some thoughts.

Welcome and Jesus Bless you,

Post by Nicolette »

Thanks you guys! This was very helpful.

And Mona I read your interp also, it was helpful too! Thanks
