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Growing Baby Girl With Teeth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:41 am
by Newbie
In the dream, It seems that I had given (din't see it) and had a baby girl. I recalled not telling my mother (the church). The baby was unexpected, as I recalled because we did not have a crib for it. We had a basinet that we had used for our other children. I recalled one moment the baby was tiny and the next minute it was plump and looked to be several moths old. I recalled that the baby had alot of teeth, more than average baby. I recalled instead of giving her milk, I gave her green beans and mini Vienna sausage like meats. I thought the baby might choked or swallow the food whole but she chewed and then swallowed the food. The baby did not look anything like my husband or myself. I recalled she had light eyes, I think a sterling gray color.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:51 pm
by Newbie
I guess the baby is a blessing or a vision that is about to be activated. One in which that is unexpected and one in which I must nurture.