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Driving Fast and Getting Off At A Strange Exit

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:17 pm
by Newbie
I am driving on a hwy. I recalled a car driving to slow so I went around it on the right side to pass it. Several cars was doing this. I drove a few miles and got off an exit. This exit was wierd in that it did merge or trn into another road. It came to a stop,in which 2 artist were selling drawings. When I got to the exit there was a group of artist that would draw what you ask for (I do not recall the amount but I think it was 20). There were 2 Hawaiian or Native American men. The first one attempted to draw a picture of a muscular and tone Somoan man (the fire eaters in luaus). However, he could not draw and Iwas dissapointed that I paid 20 for somthing that look like a pre-schooler had drwan. The 2nd man who was older and a much better artist, saw my disappointment and decided to draw it out for me. This man had an open ponytail which was almost waist length. The art was done in charcoal on a sketchpad. EOD

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:46 am
by Newbie
There was emphasis on the man's muscular abdomen (the sketch of the Samoan). He had on Somoan dance regala. That is why I am unsure if it is Native American or Pacific Islander.