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Hostile Woman

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:55 pm
by Warrior Princess
There was a house for sale, I think I was a real estate agent. We went in even though no one was home. The house had light green paint inside, it was older with a newer addition and there were stairs. The man came home and we were talking about he and his wife moving and where they wanted to live. When we left there was something about a bar- style lock on the door and I said no problem, we dealt with it when we came in.

Then I was at some sort of motel/camp/campus. A woman was openly hostile to me. Then I was in a house in the bathroom thinking I might want to move the nightlight. The urine was thick and sticky and I could see particles in it, they might have looked like seeds. Apparently I had an infection and I knew I needed to drink lots of water. So I am drinking water as I go back out on campus, it was dark. I saw a huge sign for the place, it had an enormous rope with a knot in it and the name of it, can't remember. A lot of people seemed to have just gotten out of bed like me. I got in the food line and apparently this other woman and I got in line at the same time and I didn't realize, but I could hear her getting hostile, telling the person with her not to let me take her place, etc. So I turned to the woman, put my hand on her elbow, and said really gently and earnestly in love, "Hey, can I talk to you?" trying to reconcile the situation and she got even more hostile and said no.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:55 pm
by TamaraLynne
This is odd....I walked away from the computer after reading several dreams and out of the blue I had an urgency to look up the meaning to the Lords prayer on what DAILY meant in daily bread...I did glean more understanding from this I was reading the article I thought of your hostile woman who got in line with you and thought about how you were filled with compassion and love and she was not. just thought I would share.

Published:August 5th, 2010 15:32 EST
Daily Bread: The Lord's Prayer
Daily Bread: The Lord's Prayer

By Ignatius Fernandez

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Give us this day our daily bread. Matt. 6:11.

When Jesus taught the Lord`s Prayer, He certainly was aware of the many needs of His people, which He summed up in one word - Bread. Why bread? Because:

a) it symbolizes life-giving food which satisfies hunger and keeps body and soul together.
b) the need for bread, in different forms (rice, in many Asian countries and roti/chappati in Indian homes), is felt by all sections of humankind - man and woman, adult and child, strong and weak, healthy and ill, rich and poor.
c) bread is the product of human labor and also the reward for it.
d) bread is within the reach of the common man.
e) grain that is harvested is crushed to make flour for bread. The metaphor has profound meaning, which Jesus hopes we will grasp. Unless we transform ourselves from selfish to selfless people, like the grain which submits itself to change, we cannot be His disciples, He implies.

Rebuking Satan, the Tempter, Jesus says: One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matt.4:4. So, bread in its literal meaning, is not the complete answer to our needs. There is a figurative explanation that we should understand.

Having established bread as the common denominator for all people, the Lord couches in it a world of meaning, which is born of His injunction to obey God`s word. And what is God`s word ? LOVE, which finds expression in empathy, compassion, fellowship and brotherhood. Jesus is saying that our supplication for bread goes well beyond food. Bread also stands for peace, that we all need; for courage, that we lack; for humility, that makes us agreeable and acceptable to others; for honesty, that makes our transactions transparent; for patience, to interact with people who are difficult; for prudence, in using authority fairly; for cheerfulness, to drive the blues away; for selflessness, that dislodges selfishness; for willingness to listen, with head and heart; for discretion in speech and wisdom in using time and talents, given to us. Give us this day our daily bread, is not just an ordinary supplication, but also a figurative prayer for all our spiritual and temporal needs; even for needs as mundane as paying our bills on time, meeting our financial commitments and coping with the unreasonable boss at the work place. Many of us mistakenly confine our understanding of bread to food, whereas the Lord has bigger plans for us.

Jesus places special importance on forgiveness because He chooses to add a conditional dimension to His Prayer. Literally, He separates forgiveness from the list of needs, to give it the importance it merits. Expect forgiveness from God, He promises, in the same way we forgive those who offend us. The condition places on us the onus of forgiving even those who offend us grievously. The Parable (Matt. 18: 23-35) of the unforgiving servant ( who refuses to forgive his fellow servant, although he receives full waiver of his debt to the King), is a frightening prospect. In bread and forgiveness, Jesus compresses a lot of big and small needs, that are both relevant and crucial to a joyous life

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:23 pm
by Warrior Princess
Not odd at all! We were in line for food, a "bread line" so to speak... could represent teaching or church.

Something happened last night at fellowship. A woman made a comment that wasn't in the right spirit, and I responded in love. One of the things that I am getting is "jealousy." She's been with this group since it started and I am kind of new there and she may be worried about me taking her place, but I think this may have a larger application as well.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:11 pm
by Grace
I just sensed something about a cleansing needed in you. This was prior to your confronting the woman in a loving way. Scripture of taking the log out of your own eye before the speck etc. It was key to the way you were able to respond to this woman.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:43 pm
by Warrior Princess
Afraid that we were about to run aground, they threw out four anchors and prayed for daylight. 30 Some of the sailors tried to jump ship. They let down the lifeboat, pretending they were going to set out more anchors from the bow. 31 Paul saw through their guise and told the centurion and his soldiers, "If these sailors don't stay with the ship, we're all going down." 32 So the soldiers cut the lines to the lifeboat and let it drift off. Acts 27:29-32