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Games in the workplace.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:50 pm
by steadyone
Hello beloved ones.


I started to work at this little supermarket. I knew the lady who owned it but not to well. I knew the other two workers who worked there as well. I did some task like stocking shelves and then I was done. I tried to go up to the owner/manager and she starts running from me and I am like this is weird why is she running from me. She even runs through Isles and she looks back at me with a smirk on her face acting like this is playing a game or something and I am not liking it at all. So she turns and goes outside and I stopped trying to get her attention and was not happy with her. I was just trying to find out what her next assignment is for me but she wanted to play games instead. So I decide to go to this back room. In that back room is a bed and a TV so I lay down and decide to watch TV and these two men barge right through the doors, which are like old fashioned bar doors like in the western times. I am like excuse me I am busy watching TV! They are like I am sorry we wanted to look at the picture of Marilyn Minroe, which was on the wall above where I was laying. I said, I was busy but they came right in anyway. So I got up and walked out of the room not very happy because there was no privacy. It was lunch time and so I went to go make something in the store. As I am making my lunch I ask one of the people I knew who worked there what they were doing for lunch. They responded we are invited to celebrate the owners birthday are you coming? I said, No I was not invited. I was kind of hurt but not really after the way she had treated me in playing her games. As I was making my meal the two that worked asked me what I was making, I told them and they said to me, " Can you make us one two we decided to stay with you and have lunch. I was touched and as I making the meal I said to them, I think I am only going to work here part time or quit I am not into all these games being played, I would start a task on my own that I would see that needed to be done but I always seem to get into trouble for that so I would rather be told so there is no problems.