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Ticket That Tripled and Razor -Guillotine Door w/ Chain

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:15 pm
by Newbie
My daughter's and I are getting ready to travel to South Carolina. We are driving on a back road that is parallel to 95 South. Although, it did state this explictly in the dream, I knew it to be this. Anyway, as I am getting ready to cross the border between Va and NC, I recalled that I had to pay a ticket. I do not recall when, how, or why I got a ticket but I had one.
The ticket was a rich dark yellow color with red writing. I knew that time was running out for me to pay this ticket, $20. I believe that I had a week to pay it. So I go to the police station, which did not look like a police station. I recalled that it was dimly lit and the policemen was occupied with "serious" crimes.
In the dream, I knew one of the officers and wanted to talk to him about paying the ticket. I recalled that I was in hurry and felt inconvienance about paying the ticket. I do not recall the officer's name but he told me that I just missed the deadline and now I had to pay $60 within a week. I knew I had my checkbook in the car and for whatever reason, I felt like I was in a hurry to leave and get on the road. I also recalled that I had a newborn baby with me, my baby (IRL I do not have a baby and this baby was in a recent dream I had).
I do not recall when this took place but there was a black man there threatening the cops because he was trying to come in the back door. He drew a bomb/grenade to blow open the door. I was not scared or shocked. I was so consumed by me having to grab my checkbook , that this did not faze me.
I go outside to my truck to get my checkbook and a black woman in a gold color car had accidently scratched my truck with her car. I recalled that my truck fit in the parking spot but it was at a slant
--> |\|. This woman manage to squeeze into the spot next to me that was not suitable for a vehicle to park. The spot looked to be smaller than the rest of the spots.
I was annoyed because I had to remain even longer because now I had to get a police report for the insurance company. We took the back entrance to police station and the woman walked ahead of me with her child in hand. I noticed that there were razor wire in several rows that was connected to the back door. I do not recall seeing the woman getting pass this but somehow she and her child did. I recalled being perplexed and attempted to get pass the razor wire without getting cut and sliced (the woman did not get cut). The woman and her child was trying to help me by holding some of the wire out of my way, I finally got through but noticed my right hand had been punctured several times; but there was no blood. Also the door to this station was wierd. It consisted of some kind of contraption that you had to climb over to get into the station. It was made out of logs and I recalled that there was blades (think gullotine) or sharp metal. In fact it looked like a gullotine but you had to pull yourself up and place your feet in the slots to help you climb up. I recalled pulling on this heavy rope chain (ship anchor chain) to help pull me up. The color of the police station was a drab green that contrasting with a mint green. I was struggling to pull myself up and it took me a several long minutes but I finally got over.
Also, the door was several feet up from the ground and this was only way to get in from the back. EOD

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:50 pm
by Newbie
Things to ponder:
- I am not sure what police officers could be, IRL I am not fond of them because I know a few on a personal level and not to lump all into a category but many are very egotistic.
- the checkbook could be symbolic of faith
- the chains is overcoming something not sure about the razor wires