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King Jehu, Hawaii, Dismantling North Korea, & $200,000

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:34 pm
by Newbie
Last night, I ask the Lord what was my assignment or what it is I had not fullfilled and I got this. I had prayed on some other things as well and I am not sure if this dream is an answer to those prayers as well.

King Jehu (2 Kings) and I are driving.
He is my husband and looks like him, but he is King Jehu.
He is destroying different reas and killing bad leaders just like that in 2nd Kings.
I recalled driving around at night with him and seeing a dirt road and our car headlights highlightingilluminating the roads.
We appraoched a 2 story building on our left.
I knew that that each floor was symbolic of a nation.
The 1st floor was the US and the 2nd floor was N.Korea.
Jehu gave orders to overthrow N.Korea.
I saw foot soldiers that brings to mind how the Romans and Greeks fighting formations and flanks.
I recalled a bombing on N.Korea side by the US.
The leader and his wife was overthrown.
The leader of N. Korea was in all black and pale as if he had never had sun. His wife was stylish with a cream colored jacket white blouse, blue jeans and strappy sandals. She looked to be very monied. Her was hair was cut in a short trendy style and she looked to have color from traveling (like a tan). She was Asian and I am not sure if she was N.Korean because the all the N.Koreans wore black and had the sme ashen skin/complexion as that of their leader.
I recalled that the wife was in handcuffs and standing outside and she was angry at me and my husband (King Jehu).
The dream shifts and my husband and I are back in Honolulu. (IRL we stayed on Hickam which is connected to Pearl Harbor). I am driving and make a right turn. I am going back to this compound. It appears that the US had stabilized N. Korea. The N.Koreans could work there but they had to work with the US or the US had them on a very tight leash. I went back to collect the $200,000 reward for capturing the leader. When my husband and I arrived, the 1st lady of N.Korea (the woman from earlier) was still angry and I recalled as we pulled our car up in front of the building, the lady began to through gold coins at us from the 2nd floor.
I am not sure but the coins looked more like Euro cents than they did Won (the currency of S.Korea).
Anyway I go in through the 2st floor and was directed to take the stairs and collect the money from N.Korea (2nd floor).
When I got to the 2nd floor, I recalled seeing a bunch of cold people that were busy.
I was somewhat hesistant and di not wanted appraoch the front desk to ask for my money. I recalled waking back downstairs because I was scared that they may grab me in retaliation from earlier.
I went back upstairs was attempting to talk to people to ask where exactly I get my reward.
But everybody just brushed me off or gave me cold stares. I recalled that I said for get it and decided to leave emptyhanded.
On the way out was this woman in a sleeveless black leotard and black pants. She was ashen as well and her eyes were black. She had her hair down.
She reminded me of a ninja or a martial arts fighter.
She was angry with me and she had hatred on her face.
She said something to me in her language. I said something back to her in an exchange of words. This woman grabbed my left arm and I could tell she wanted fight.
Out of no where I get on my red Ninja motorcycle that happened to be in the lobby and drove while the woman was still clinging to my arm.
I was trying to knock her off while driving.
The woman lets go of my arm but she is attempting to stalk me while driving. I recalled that there was traffic around the compound, so I could not get a clean get away. Irecalled making a left turn and seeing the woman running across the field to head me off. I made a right turn so I could make a left turn to get out of the compound area. When I made the right turn, I came to a stop sign and had to yield to traffic coming in and going out. I knew the woman was appraoching. Irecalled smiling the entire time because I knew that the woman would not get me.
As I was waiting I knew that if I did not do something this woman would continued to stalk me. So I made a sharp right and a sharp left to get into the lane that I needed to get in to get out of the compound (this was an illegal turn in which I had to cut someone off in the outgoing lane). I recalled that I got over in the right turning lane because that was the only way the woman could catch me. The left lane was a stop sign and I recalled that traffic was fierce in the compound area. EOD

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:32 pm
by Jehu
I am struck with this. Jehu is God's answer the problem of Jezebel and the worship of Baal. Jehu means Yahweh is he. Sarah called Abraham Lord. When a woman actually sees that submitting to her husband is really the way she recognizes Christ nations are won. If a woman is not submitting to her husband she is actually in spirit rejecting Christ. I wonder if this issue has to do with the issue of submission or the issue of finding your mate. I have considered that Jesus was teaching marriage as it was from the beginning which means there is only one, a matched pair. The story of Noah's ark is also about matched pairs. When you see a Jezebel Ahab relationship what you are actually seeing is a symptom of Idolatry. I really believe God is restoring the reality of marriage to his church. Jehu throws down that insecure dominating woman because he knows she is the one. I think every woman needs that, but in reality not all have it. Please judge this.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:31 pm
by Newbie
Hello Jehu, I am happily married and my husband is the head of the household. The part of the dream that spoke to me was the compound which housed the US and N.Korea. Jehu /husband commanded that N.Kore be attacked. The vicious N.Korean stalking me had me stumped as well. I have had nations before in my dreams but N.Korea and Australia has me scratching my head. The only thoughts that come to mind with N.Korea is that I view it as a Godless nation; a nation in which the Blood of Jesus has yet to reach. Perhaps, this symbolizes an anti-Christ spirit or a form of paganism (Jehu killed Ahab/Jezebel, the king and queen of paganism). Will meditate more over this one and thanks for your knowledge of Jehu/Ahab/Jezebel. Be blessed!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:48 pm
by Warrior Princess
State of Unity? "United States" and there was talk of N and S Korea being reunited some day.

Sometimes other countries/states can be about the character of those Australia is "Down Under," United States could be about "unity" as I mentioned above...

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:55 am
by Newbie
I forgot to add this tidbit that I just remembered. The 16 yera old son of the NKorea leader had angelinize his name and was found in Samaria???

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:02 am
by Jehu
I believe your dream shows that you do recognize your husband and that it is very powerful.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:24 pm
by Newbie
Hello WP, after marinating on this one, I do believe that this is indeed an union. Perhaps between North and South Korea; hence the appearances of the leader and the wife. This union will bring about a seed, the 16 year old son with the Angenized name in Samaria. I know that 16 is symbolic of love/freedom/salvation. Maybe some will find Christ in this atheist country; however, I do see a spirit of the anti-Christ that is rampant there. I believe the woman that I was trying to get away from may symbolize this spirit. I have been picking up in sermons how men are growing cold towards the Father and I can feel that in the atmosphere.
I am not clear on Samaria or modern day West Bank. The $200,000 (insufficiency times 100) I failed to collect still unclear about that.