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Disturbing dream

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:20 pm
by Ruth
I had this dream last night. I was coming home from work and I stopped and talked to a friend of mine in a parking lot. Her sister was there also but she had her back turned so didn't really know if it was her. They left and this white guy came up to me and pulled me behind this building and raped me and he also took my purse. I was crying for someone to call 911 it seemed like it took them a while to come I got up and was walking along the street and saw things he had thrown out of my purse. My son's pics or id's and I got a birth certificate. The guy came back and was pointing at me saying, "What did you do to the money" I had $305 in my purse and I knew when he said that, that he could not spend it. I said a cuss word because I was so mad but I told him I pray and I started speaking at him in tongues. He left and a undercover agent came and hid in a room in case he came back. We saw him skateboarding down the street saying bye bye trying to be funny. The agent came out and they caught him. I asked if I could spit in his face (I know it's nasty :( ) He was standing there and took the money out and threw it at me I was happy about that. I was going to my car and my son's had came I could not find my keys and mind you it is dark outside. I was calling for my oldest and he just kept going in his car not sure if he heard me then my youngest son drove up he was sitting on the wrong side when he came up to me he had moved to the drives side and there was no steering wheel. I asked him where it was and he said he rigged it to drive with these bars (don't know what to call them) somehow I got in my truck (don't know where keys came from) and was driving up our Main St. the power must have been off it was dark I mean a unreal dark and traffic was being directed and I could hear sirens. That is the end sorry so long I didn't want to miss any details though.

I remember something else I had told them how odd it was that I had money on me because on my way home I drove past the bank and I never carry money on me but, I knew my friends were waiting so I came to meet them.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:11 pm
by A Warrior's Heart
Wondering if the guy could possibly symbolize someone who may have taken advantage of you or hurt you in some kind of way. The money here might be representative of your self esteem, your worth and power. There's a saying that says when you don't forgive someone they keep power over you. Maybe you forgave whoever this person represents and therefore the money lacked power to the rapist. 305 adds up to 8, and that is an outstanding element of your dream. 8 = new beginning. When he threw the money at you, I saw that as you receiving power or self worth back from the traumatic incident that had happened. When you spit, the word that came to me was revenge or desiring revenge. Since you first said that you were coming from work, could it have to do with something that went on in the workplace? Pray that the Lord will reveal to you who this guy represents.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:44 am
by wellstravisa
As I read your post I couldn't help but be drawn to a snap shot of something that I did IRL years ago, but still fresh in my mind. I was really upset about a big problem in my life at the time and took my pride and anger out on my sister in-law, by speaking at her or what I thought was it, in that beautiful prayer language called tongues. I had several demonical dreams during those times, attacks you could call them, until I had this one amazing dream that came with a revelation. In this dream as in the others I would always try to speak in tongues against some thing or person. I guess it felt like a weapon to me because I always felt so helpless and small in my dreams, but God showed me something that blew me away.
In my dream I saw a guy that was trying to confuse and manipulate other people that didn't know any better, it appeared as though he was some type of spiritual person or something. I saw him and anger welled up inside of me, I started right into him speaking in tongues like I was going to drive the devil out of him. Then things changed he started writing down something on a piece of paper, I didn't know what it was but when he was finished he said here this is for you. I began to read what it said, it started ... Travis I have called you by name... it was addressed to me, I continued reading tears filled my eyes, I was reading a personal letter about Gods love for me, I was torn, humbled, amazed and ex-tacit all at the same time. The Bible teaches that when we pray in the Spirit, we speak mysteries to God, we build ourselves up in our most holy faith. edify ourselves, etc... I'm not sure where I got the idea that speaking in tongues was a weapon, but I felt small, helpless and put more importance on the gift, than the giver of the gift. Jesus:) After writing this, the following passage of scripture came to mind.

"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else." 1 Thessalonians 5:15